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- SWESwi
- SwiSwi
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- sydSyl
- SylSyn
- SynSyr
- SyrSza
- Szszy
- Shirley, Bill (actor/singer)
- Shirley, Don
- Shirley, Les (Montreal-based pop-rock power trio)
- Shirley, Roy
- Shiro Schwarz
- shirobeats
- shirobeats, McGwire, DJ Dax, B, Zach & LUCIDSKY
- Shirobon
- Shirobon & TANUKI
- Shirobon feat. Camden Cox
- Shirock
- Shiroishi (new age)
- Shiroku (German singer and cosplayer)
- Shirokuma (swedish skramz band)
- Shironamhin (Bangladeshi Fusion Band)
- ShiroNeko
- Shirosu, Hikaru
- Shirota, El
- shirovw
- Shirt (NYC-based hip hop artist)
- Shirts, The
- Shiruetto
- Shirvell, C.
- Shiryu
- shishi (Power pop trio)
- Shishigami, Leona
- Shishkin, Alexei
- Shit & Chanel
- Shit Kid (Danish MGP 2001)
- SHIT RAT! (USA rock/metal)
- Shit Robot
- Shit, Passenger of
- Shitdisco
- Shitfire
- Shitfucker
- Shitheadz, The
- ShitKid (Swedish solo project by Åsa Söderqvist)
- Shitlickers, The (Swedish hardcore punk)
- ShitNoise (Groupe de Noise Rock originaire de Monaco)
- Shitrit, Micha
- Shitshow (German punk band)
- Shitstem
- Shitter Limited
- ShittyBoyz
- Shiv-R
- Shiva (Italian rapper Andrea Arrigoni)
- Shiva (UK heavy metal)
- Shiva (UK techno group fronted by Louise Dean)
- SHIVA (Japanese visual kei band, 2015–)
- Shiva & Paky
- Shiva Burlesque
- Shiva Chandra (Psychedelic trance artist)
- Shiva feat. Geolier
- Shiva feat. Pyrex & Slings
- Shiva feat. Tedua
- Shiva Sound
- Shiva the Destructor
- Shivali (English / Indian singer)
- Shivam Pathak
- Shivang (Electronic Music Producer)
- Shivaree (1997 band)
- Shivas, The
- Shive, Ben
- Shive, Chandan
- Shiver (Alternative Rock band from Salem, Massachusetts)
- Shiver (Austrian band)
- Shiver (German 70s progressive rock band)
- Shiver, Mike
- Shiver, Mike & Aruna
- Shiver, Mike & Susana
- Shiver, The (Swiss psychedelic rock band)
- Shiver, The (Italian metal band)
- Shivers (Ulf Schütte)
- Shivers, Mackenzie
- Shivers, The (NY indie band)
- Shivesh, Rishit
- Shivjot
- Shivvers, The
- Shizit, The
- Shizoe
- Shizoe feat. Sido
- Shizuka Ben Aman
- Shizune
- Shizuo (breakcore producer)
- Shkodra Elektronike (Albanian Duo)
- Shkoon
- Shlock Rock
- Shlohmo
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