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- perP
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- PetPet
- PetPet
- PetPet
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- PezPh
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- PhiPhi
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- PhoPia
- PiaPic
- PicPic
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- PnBPo
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- PolPOL
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- PonPoo
- PooPop
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- PrePre
- PrePre
- PrePRh
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- PRIPri
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- PriPri
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- PriPRM
- PRNPro
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- ProPro
- ProPro
- ProPro
- ProPro
- ProPro
- ProPsa
- PsaPsy
- PsyPU
- PuaPue
- PuePuk
- PukPUN
- PunPup
- PupPur
- PurPur
- PurPus
- PusPXL
- PxPPzy
- Planetshakers
- Planety (Polish indie jazz - folk group from Zduńska Wola)
- Plank, Charlotte
- Plank, Charlotte & Hybrid Minds
- Plankeye
- Plankton (Swissgerman indiepop band)
- Plankton Dada Wave (Italian band)
- Planlos (East Germany)
- Planlos (Punk band from Grevenbroich)
- Planman, Elona
- Planned Dilemma (Band)
- Planning for Burial
- Planningtorock
- Plano, Sebastian
- Plans for Revenge
- Planschemalöör
- Plant, Robert (of Led Zeppelin)
- Plant, Robert & Band of Joy
- Plant, Robert & Band of Joy
- Plant, Robert & Krauss, Alison
- Plant, Robert & Krauss, Alison
- Plant, Robert | Krauss, Alison
- Plant, Robert and the Strange Sensation
- Plant, Robert, and Strange Sensation, the
- Planta & Raiz
- Planta & Raiz & Laura Pires
- Planta & Raiz & Ziedro Pires
- Planta, La, The
- Plante, Cole
- PlantLife
- Plants and Animals
- planttvibes
- Planxty (Irish folk music band)
- Plas Teg (Adam Perkins)
- Plas, Nienke
- Plàsi (Stage name of Mikael Bitzarakis)
- Plaskett, Joel
- Plaskett, Joel, Emergency
- Plasma (trio rock band)
- Plasma (Pop-rock & variété from Paris)
- Plasma Canvas
- Plasmatics (US punk/metal band)
- Plasmic Honey
- Plasmodulated (US Death Metal)
- Plassard, Marie
- Plassen, Synnøve Brøndbo
- Plasson, Michel (conductor)
- Plaster Cast (electronic project fka Malta)
- Plastic (Industrial (EBM) solo project of Matthias Ewald)
- Plastic (Polish electropop band)
- Plastic Cloud, The
- Plastic Constellations, The
- plastic dagger
- Plastic Girl in Closet
- Plastic Ideas (shoegaze / dream pop band from Istanbul, Turkey)
- Plastic Mermaids
- Plastic Mode
- Plastic Noise Experience
- Plastic Noose
- Plastic Ono Band
- Plastic Operator
- Plastic Palms (Indie pop band from Turin, Italy)
- Plastic Penny
- Plastic People of the Universe, The (Czech rock band)
- Plastic Picnic
- Plastic Population, The (Matt Black and Jonathan More)
- Plastic Presidents
- Plastic Psalms (Math punk from tulsa, oklahoma)
- Plastic Soul Band
- Plastic Spaceman
- Plastic Surgery Disaster (Berchtesgaden)
- Plastic Tears
- Plastic Toys
- Plastic Tree (Japanese rock band)
- Plastic Waves (Psychedelic pop based in Brooklyn)
- Plastic Woods (prog/psych/doom band from Antequera, Andalusia, Spain)
- Plastic Youth, The
- PlasticBag FaceMask
- PlasticGold
- Plastician
- Plastician feat. Jammz
- Plasticland
- Plastics (Japanese new wave band)
- Plastics Revolution, The
- Plastics, The (South African indie rock band)
- Plastik Funk
- Plastik Funk & Fragma
- Plastik Funk feat. Lyck
- Plastikman
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