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- ProPro
- ProPsa
- PsaPsy
- PsyPU
- PuaPue
- PuePuk
- PukPUN
- PunPup
- PupPur
- PurPur
- PurPus
- PusPXL
- PxPPzy
- Punatähdet
- Punch (Argentinian rock band)
- Punch (US female fronted hardcore/punk from San Francisco)
- Punch (South Korean female singer)
- Punch Arogunz
- Punch Arogunz feat. Baba Saad
- Punch Arogunz feat. Rapsta
- Punch Brothers
- Punch Drunk Shills
- Punched Orange
- Punchers Plant
- Punching Namard
- Punching Swans (Monsters/Nipples/Bird‐people)
- Punchline (US pop-punk band)
- Punchline Hunting Season (Belgian psych-rock trio)
- Punchlove (New York, shoegaze)
- Punchmade Dev (US rapper fka OBN Dev)
- punchnello (Korean rapper)
- Punctual
- Punctual & Thompson, Lewis
- Punctual feat. Shaw, Jordan
- Puncture (UK 1970's punk band)
- Pundt, Lockett
- Pundziūtė, Monika (Lithuanian singer‐songwriter)
- Puneeth Rajkumar (Kannada Playback Singer & Actor)
- Punga, Javi
- Pungent Stench
- Punho De Mahin
- Punipunidenki (Japanese electropop/Shibuya-kei singer-songwriter)
- Punish Yourself
- Punishment (Philadelphia hardcore band)
- Punishment of Luxury
- Punitive Damage (hardcore punk band from Vancouver, Canada)
- Punjab (Faroese funk rock band)
- Punjabi by Nature (Toronto-based bhangra-fusion band)
- Punk as Fuck
- punk band
- Punk Christ
- Punk Division
- Punk Floid
- Pünk Flöyd (Pink Floyd tribute from Sweden)
- Punk Freakz
- Punk Panther
- Punk Rock Factory
- Punk Rock Hero
- Punk Sailor
- Punk TV
- Punk, Saint
- Punkentsefaliit
- Punkies, Die (German audio play and artist)
- Punkin Machine
- Punkinloveee (Dance-pop, Witch House, Eurodance)
- Punkinloveee feat. heartcrush
- Punkles, The
- Punkora
- Punkreas (Italian punk band)
- Punkreas feat. Samuel
- Punkreas feat.Olly
- Punkreas feat.Toffolo, Davide
- Punkt
- Punky Tunes
- Punkzilla!
- Punnany Massif (Hungarian hip-hop group)
- Puño Dragón (Spanish band)
- Punsetes, Los
- Punsetes, Los & Depresión Sonora
- Punt, Okke
- Punters, The
- Puntí, Adrià
- Punto (Turkish Alternative Rock Band)
- Punto de Encuentro
- Punto Final
- Punto Omega
- Punto Sur (Latin pop group from Venezuela)
- PuntoGangPunto
- Puntos, Los
- Puny Human
- Punya Srinivas
- Puoane, Tutu (Belgium-based jazz vocalist)
- Puolikuu (poprock, 1988–)
- PUP (’10s Canadian punk band)
- pupa (Japanese electropop band)
- Pupajim (french dub artist, member of Stand High Patrol)
- Pupi y su Charanga
- Pupil
- Pupil Slicer
- Pupil, Lazyass (Founder of Arroba Records)
- Pupil·les
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