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- LysLZR
- LIFE Anthem
- Life as a Ghost
- Life as Cinema
- Life Bible Worship (Life Bible Church)
- Life Church, The
- Life Cried
- Life Divided, A
- Life Divided, A feat. Harms, Chris
- Life Down Here
- Life in Film
- Life in Your Way
- Life Journey (Chinese band)
- Life Lessons
- Life Lock (Singapore crust punk)
- Life Long Tragedy
- Life of a Hero
- Life of Agony
- Life of Dillon
- Life on Earth!
- Life on Mars (trance, alias of Dino Anthony Lanni)
- Life on Planet 9
- Life on Planets
- Life on Repeat
- Life on Venus (Shoegaze/dream pop band)
- Life Once Lost, A
- Life Right Now
- Life Sex & Death
- Life Sim
- Life Without Buildings
- LIFE Worship
- Life Worth Taking, A (Carolina-based pop-punk)
- Life, Forced (Valley Texas Hardcore)
- Life, Jayler (rapper, singer & songwriter)
- Life, Sorrowful
- Life, The (project by Curtis Everett Pawley)
- Life.Church Worship
- Life's Question (Metalcore band from Chicago)
- Life@opwekking
- lifeboat (lo‐fi beatmaker)
- Lifeboats (French Modern Hardcore/Punk Rock Band)
- Lifecrusher (Hardcore band from Switzerland)
- Lifecycle (Belgian H8000 metal band)
- Lifeforms (Psychedelic Trance / Progressive Trance duo project based in Tel Aviv, Israel)
- Lifeforms (deathcore/metalcore band from Sacramento)
- Lifeforms & Egorythmia
- Lifeguard (Noise rock band from Chicago)
- Lifehouse
- Lifehouse feat. Bedingfield, Natasha
- Lifehouse feat. Frampton, Peter & Jones, Charles
- Lifeless (UK thrash metal/crossover band)
- lifelessgarments (underground artist)
- Lifelike (French DJ/producer Laurent Heinrich, aka Laurent ASH)
- Lifelike & Menace, Kris
- lifeline. (lo‐fi beatmaker, formerly known as maeLstro)
- Lifelines (Georgia Post-Hardcore)
- Lifelong Corporation
- Lifelong Journey, A
- Lifelover
- Lifephobia
- Lifer (US nu metal band; fka Strangers With Candy, Driver)
- Lifers Group (US 1990s hip-hop)
- Liferuiner
- Lifesavas
- Lifesavers
- Lifescapes
- Lifesick
- Lifeson, Alex
- Lifespark. (German Melodic Post-Hardcoe)
- Lifestory:Monologue
- Lifestyl
- Lifetime
- Lifewalker
- Lifeway Kids Worship
- Lifewentpear
- Lift (hardcore punk band from Connecticut)
- Lift (East German "classic rock")
- Lift (1990s rock band from Atlanta, GA)
- Lift the Curse
- Lift the Medium
- Lift to Experience
- Lift, The
- Lifted Bells
- Lifted Veil, The (Finnish black/death metal)
- Lifted, Don
- Lifter
- Lifter Puller
- Lifts
- Lifvsleda (Black Metal band from Sweden)
- Liga del Sueño, La
- Liga der gewöhnlichen Gentlemen, Die
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