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- LutLux
- LuxLy
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- LynLyn
- LynLys
- LysLZR
- Last Quarter
- Last Quokka (Western Australia)
- Last Resort, The (UK punk band)
- Last Revel, The
- Last Rites (punk band)
- Last Rites (gothic rock)
- Last Royals, The
- Last Second
- Last Shadow Puppets, The
- Last Sighs of the Wind, The
- Last Skeptik, The
- Last Temptation (melodic metal, US)
- Last Ten Seconds of Life, The (US deathcore band from Mansfield, PA)
- Last Ten Seconds of Life, The feat. Mason, Ben
- Last Ten Seconds of Life, The feat. Ricky Myers
- Last Ten Seconds of Life, The feat. Swank, Devin
- Last Titan, The
- Last Titans
- Last Town Chorus, The
- Last Train (French band)
- Last Train Home
- Last Tribe
- Last Tuesday
- Last Vegas, The
- Last Vinci, The
- Last Wednesday (DMV Area rock band)
- Last Wild Buffalo, The
- Last Winter
- Last Wishes (Hardcore)
- Last Witness
- Last Word (Australian Emo/Metalcore band)
- Last Word, The (Metal/Synthcore)
- Last Year, The (alternative rock band from Baltimore)
- Last Year, The (melodic rock band from New York)
- Last Years Hero
- Last Youth
- Last, Harry
- Last, James (German big band leader & composer, 1929–2015)
- Last, James & Clayderman, Richard
- Last, James & Clayderman, Richard
- Last, James & Stenberg, Berdien
- Last, James and His James Last Orchestra
- Last, The (Los Angeles power pop band)
- LastDayHere (Slovenian rock / metal band)
- Lastelle
- Lasten Hautausmaa
- Laster (Dutch experimental/atmospheric/post-black metal)
- Lastera
- Lasting Traces
- Lastkaj 14
- Lastlings (Electro-Pop)
- Lastpagefirst
- Lastufka, Alan & Milsom, Tom
- Laswell, Bill (US bass guitarist and record producer)
- Laswell, Bill & Roots Tonic
- Laswell, Greg
- Laszlo (90s US pop/rock group)
- Laszlo (2010s EDM artist, commonly releasing through Monstercat)
- Laszlo, Ken
- Latanya Alberto
- LATASHÁ (female singer)
- Latasha Lee & the BlackTies
- Latch Key Kid
- Latch Key Kids
- Latchin, Gabriel
- Late (Dan Sealey)
- LATE (Progressive metal from Slovakia)
- Late Call, The
- Late Cambrian
- Late Era
- Late for What
- Late in the Playoffs
- Late June
- Late Kids
- Late Late Service (USA group produced 1CD)
- Late Night Alumni
- Late Night Call, The
- Late Night Condition
- late night drive home
- Late Night Hour
- Late Night Savior
- Late Night Venture
- Late Nite Reading (US pop-punk band)
- Late Nite Tuff Guy
- Late November (90's Australian rock band)
- Late of the Pier
- Late to Scream
- Late Tuesday
- Lateef & the Chief
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