Tour de Force Songtexte
Battle Cry
- Battle Cry
- Roots Lyrics (von Tour de Force feat. Brother Culture)
- Strong to Survive
- Pool Party (von Tour de Force feat. Jahdan Blakkamoore)
- Old Time Love (von Tour de Force feat. Jay Spaker)
- Tiger Style
- Where Do We Go Wrong (von Tour de Force feat. Luciano)
- A Little Bit More (von Tour de Force feat. Jay Spaker)
- Warmongers
- The Traveler
Battle Cry Remixed
- Battle Cry (DJ Madd remix)
- Battle Cry (Double Tiger remix)
- Old Time Love (Dub Terminator remix)
- Old Time Love (Ondubground remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Jay Spaker)
- Pool Party (Dubsworth remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Jahdan Blakkamoore)
- Pool Party (Naram remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Jahdan Blakkamoore)
- Roots Lyrics (Brain Damage remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Brother Culture)
- Roots Lyrics (Adam Prescott remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Brother Culture)
- Strong to Survive (Hylu & Jago remix)
- A Little Bit More (Dubmatix remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Jay Spaker)
- A Little Bit More (Dub Gabriel remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Jay Spaker)
- Where Do We Go Wrong (B-No remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Luciano)
- Where Do We Go Wrong (Fogata Sounds remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Luciano)
- Where Do We Go Wrong (Reality Chant remix) (von Tour de Force feat. Luciano)
- The Traveler (Step-Art remix)