Richard Lewis Songtexte
Geboren am 29. Juni 1947, Gestorben am 27. Februar 2024

- The Dry Cleaning Conspiracy
- The Deep South and Delicatessens
- Strangers and Jewish Satellite Dishes
- Foreign Films
- Spitting on the Audience
- Dumb and Old
- Sex
- Cops
- Birth Control
- Car Trips
- Nashville and the King
- Television
- The U.S. Mail
- Hawaiian Restaurant
- Orgasms and Lovemaking
- Porn Insecurity
- A Mother's Support?
- Grandmother
- Family Nightmare
- The Road
- Gig From Hell
- Grandfather
- An Unhealthy Man
- Cat From Hell
- Dates From Hell, Mistake Warnings, and Actresses
- Cleanliness, A Dog's Suicide, Cottage Cheese and Caesarian
- Intro