JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol.1
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol.2
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Original Soundtrack Vol.3
- Eastern Heart, Western Mind
- Remembrance ~ Vanila Ice
- Polnareff's Fury
- Remembrance ~ Iggy
- Egyptian Night
- Radio Groove
- The Senator's Madness
- JoJo's Inner Strength
- Car Chase
- Sky Chase
- Kakyoin and the Bell Tower
- Joseph Runs
- JoJo vs. DIO
- Precious Time
- Tension
- The World vs. Star Platinum
- Into the Sea
- Parting Friends
- Going Home
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders | Original Soundtrack |
- Magician's Red
- Birth of Star Platinum
- FlashBack
- Kakyoin
- Star Platinum/Garden
- J Gail
- Holly/The Plane
- Polnaleff vs Avdol
- Polnaleff's Anger
- The Crane/At Sea Again
- Battle Music
- In The Mirror
- Polnaleff Searches
- J Gail and the Snake
- Polnaleff's Feeling
- Sanskrit Chant
- Hanged Man Enters
- Polnaleff's Battle
- The Chase/Dying Imposter
- The Funeral
- Battle/Avdol/Calmness
- Dark Tension
- Enya's Last Words
- JoJo's Counterattack
- Old Woman/Inn/She Knew
- Crisis
- End Credits