Don Cossack Choir Songtexte
Legende von den 12 Räubern (Räuberlied)
Eintönig klingt hell das Glöcklein
Guten Abend, gut' Nacht
Ich Bete an Der Macht Der Liebe
Anfang 1921
Serge Jaroff
Meisterstücke (Compilation)
Russian Orthodox Christmas
- Troparion for the Nativity of Christ
- Kondakion for the Nativity of Christ
- The Magnification
- God Is With Us
- Hymn - Magnify, o My Soul
- The Nativity Canon
- Ukrainian Carol 1 - Heaven and Earth
- Ukrainian Carol 2 - In Jerusalem
- Ukrainian Carol 3 - Shtchedrivka
- The Great Canon of St.Andrew of Crete - He Is My Helper and Protector
- Exapostilarion - I See Thy Bridal Chamber, o My Savior
- Troparion - Behold the Bridegroom Comes
- Burial - Trisagion
- Troparion - Noble Joseph
- Hymn for Holy Thursday - Of Thy Mystical Supper
- The Canon of Holy Saturday
- The Lord's Prayer
- The Sailors
- On Saturday and Round Dance
- A Hazel Tree and Russian Polka
- Holy God - Trisagion
- Twelve Robbers
- Song of the Indian Guest From 'Sadko'
- Blessed Art Thou, o Lord
Russian Orthodox Easter
- Thy Resurrection - O Christ Our Savior (Soli - A.Jarovitzky, A.Levchenko)
- The Great Litany (Soli - M.Olchowyj, A.Jarovitzky)
- The Resurrection Canon - This Is the Day of Resurrection
- Hypakoe - Before the Dawn
- The Resurrection Canon - Heirmoses of 4th, 5th, 6th Ode
- Paschal Kondakion - You Descended Into the Tomb
- We Have Seen the Resurrection of Christ
- The Resurrection Canon
- Paschal Exapostilarion - In the Flesh Thou Didst Fall Asleep
- Paschal Stichera - Let God
- The Litany of Supplication (Ural Chant) (Solo - W.Magnuschevsky)
- The Paschal Troparion - Christ Is Risen
- Easter Concert - Let God Arise (Solo - L.Lugo-Lugowsky)
- From the History of the Origin
- Snowstorm Along the Street (Solo - I.Seifert)
- Caucasian Melody (Soli - D.Alexandroff, B.Morosoff)
- Bandura (Soli - I.Seifert, M.Olchowyj, G.Yurenieff)
- Who Knows? (Soli - B.Belostozky, A.Levchenko)
- Two Cossack Songs (Solo - B.Bolotin)
- Meadowland