- NN
- NNa
- NaNad
- NadNag
- NagNai
- NaiNak
- NakNam
- NamNan
- NanNap
- NapNap
- NapNar
- NarNas
- NasNas
- NasNas
- NasNat
- NatNat
- NatNat
- NatNat
- NatNau
- NauNav
- NavNaz
- NazNe
- NENeb
- NebNed
- NedNeg
- NegNeg
- Neh
- NekNel
- NelNel
- NelNel
- NelNem
- NemNen
- NenNeo
- NeoNer
- NerNes
- NesNet
- NetNeu
- NeuNEV
- nevNEW
- NewNew
- NewNEW
- NewNew
- NewNew
- NewNex
- NexNgo
- NgNic
- NicNic
- NicNic
- NicNie
- NieNig
- NigNig
- NigNig
- NigNih
- nihNik
- NIKNil
- NilNi
- NiNin
- NinNio
- NioNis
- NisNit
- NitNiz
- NizNO
- NoNo
- NoNo
- NoNoa
- NoaNob
- NobNod
- NodNoi
- NoiNoi
- NOINom
- Nomnon
- NONNor
- norNor
- NorNor
- NorNor
- NorNOT
- NotNOT
- NotNot
- NouNov
- NovNov
- NovNoy
- NoyNu
- NUNue
- NueNum
- NumNur
- NurNuw
- NygNzl
- Not 2 Late
- Not a Boys Name
- Not a Chance (ska punk)
- Not a Good Sign (Italian progressive rock band)
- Not Advised
- Not Afraid (Belgian punk/hardcore band)
- Not Available (melodic punkrock band from Eislingen, Germany)
- Not Blood Paint
- Not Breathing
- Not By Choice
- Not Drowning, Waving
- Not Enough Space
- not equal me
- Not From England
- Not Half Bad (punk/folk punk)
- Not Made In China (Bournemouth Band)
- Not My God
- Not My Grave
- Not My Time To Die
- Not My Vice
- Not My Weekend
- Not on Tour
- Not Proud to Be Here
- Not Real Presence
- Not Scientists
- Not Shakespeare
- Not Tonight Josephine
- Not Ur Girlfrenz
- Not Waving (Electronic artist Alessio Natalizia, aka NW)
- Not Your Dope
- Not Yourself (lo‐fi beatmaker)
- Not-Its!, The
- Not3s (UK MC)
- Not3s & Mabel
- Not3s feat. AJ Tracey
- Nota (A Capella group that won Sing-off: Season 1 USA)
- Nota Sonotra
- Nota, El
- Nota,Que,Grupo (Cumbia Mexicana - Tropical)
- Notaker
- Notaker feat. Lumiere, Eric
- Notaker x BlackGummy
- Nótár Mary
- Notaro, Marconi
- Notaro, Tig
- Notation (lo‐fi hip hop)
- Notations, The (1960s-1970s Chicago R&B group)
- Notausgang (Switzerland)
- Notch (US dancehall/reggaeton vocalist Norman Howell)
- NOTD & Band CAMINO, The
- NOTD & Jaehn, Felix ft. Ku, Georgia & Captain Cuts
- NOTD & kenzie
- NOTD & Martin, SHY
- NOTD & Nightly
- NOTD & S, Astrid
- NOTD & Wright, Maia
- NOTD feat. Hastings
- NOTD feat. Kiiara
- NOTD feat. Miller, Bea
- NOTD feat. Quinn XCII
- NOTD, Jaehn, Felix & Captain Cuts feat. Ku, Georgia
- note native
- NotenDealer, Die
- Notes, Freddie & the Rudies
- Notes, The (UK indie rock band)
- Notetrackers, The
- NotEvenTanner
- Notey, Caitlin
- Noth (german singer/songwriter)
- Noth Rayen
- Nothe, Iam
- Nothgard
- Nothin' But Enemies
- Nothing (US shoegaze band from Philadelphia)
- Nothing at All! (New Zealand rock n roll/punk)
- Nothing But Thieves (English rock band)
- Nothing But Thieves, Purple Disco Machine, Dumont, Duke
- Nothing Important Happened Today
- Nothing In Between
- Nothing Left (US hardcore supergroup)
- NOTHING MORE (US rock band)
- NOTHING MORE feat. Draiman, David
- NOTHING MORE feat. Sinizter
- NOTHING MORE feat. Vanlerberghe, Eric