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- McNeely, Big Jay
- McNeely, Jim
- McNeely, Joel (American score composer)
- McNeil, David
- McNeil, Hannah
- McNeil, John
- McNeil, Suzie (Canadian pop rock singer)
- McNeill, Brian (Scottish multi-instrumentalist)
- McNeill, Pamela
- McNeill, Wendy
- McNulty, Chris (a jazz vocalist)
- McNulty, Ryan
- McNunn, Ron
- McOnak
- McPartland, Marian
- McPartland, Marian & Costello, Elvis
- McPartland, Marian and Jimmy
- McPhatter, Clyde
- McPhatter, Clyde & Drifters, The
- McPhatter, Clyde & Drifters, The
- McPhatter, Clyde, Brown, Ruth
- McPhee, Dean (UK Guitarist)
- McPhee, Katharine
- McPhee, Katharine & Hilty, Megan
- McPhee, Katharine & Yamin, Elliott
- McPherson, Charles
- McPherson, Dave (UK drummer/guitarist/vocalist, member of InMe & Centiment)
- McPherson, David (’80s soul singer)
- McPherson, JD (US singer-songwriter)
- McPherson, JD feat. Silvas, Lucie
- McPoland, Peter
- MCqasim (German Rapper)
- McQueen
- McQueen Street (Hard Rock, Glam Metal, US)
- McQueen, Elizabeth
- McQueen, Elizabeth and Firebrands, The
- McQueen, Geraldine
- McQueen, Molly
- MCR-T & horsegiirL
- McRackins
- McRad
- McRae, Carmen
- McRae, Carmen & Brubeck, Dave, Quartet, The
- McRae, Carmen & Bryant, Ray
- McRae, Carmen & Carter, Betty
- McRae, Carmen & Davis, Sammy, Jr.
- McRae, Carmen feat. Webster, Ben
- McRae, Carmen with Brubeck, Dave
- McRae, George
- McRae, Hilary
- McRae, Hilton
- McRae, Jensen (singer-songwriter)
- McRae, Kelley (country/alt rock)
- McRae, Linda
- McRae, Mo (Actor "Sons of Anarchy", "Empire", "Pitch")
- McRae, Tate
- McRae, Tate & Gatie, Alie
- McRae, Tate & Schreiner, Luca
- McRae, Tom
- McRapperson, Rappy
- McReynolds, Jonathan (American contemporary gospel singer-songwriter, guitarist, pianist, drummer)
- McReynolds, Jonathan & Mali Music
- McRoberts, Justin
- McSean, Andy
- McShann, Jay
- McShann, Jay and Hicks, John
- McSpice, Kira
- McStine & Minnemann
- McStine, Randy
- McStuffins, Doc (eponymous character on Disney TV show)
- McTell, Blind Willie
- McTell, Blind Willie & McTell, Kate
- McTell, Blind Willie & Weaver, Curley
- McTell, Ralph
- McVay, Swifty (member of D12, aka Swift)
- McVea, Jack
- McVeigh, Sasha
- McVerry, Sean
- MCVertt, ASAP Ferg & Sexyy Red
- McVey, J. Mark
- McVey, John (Singer songwriter)
- McVicar, Ewan
- McVicker, Mitch
- McVicker, William
- McVie, Christine
- McWhirter, Stephen
- McWhirter, Stephen & Clayborn, Jason
- McWilliams, Brigette
- McWilliams, David
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