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- KyokZm
- Kristen Brustad, Mahmoud Al-Batal and Abbas Al-Tonsi
- Kristene DiMarco feat. Cobbs, Tasha
- Kristensen, Kristian (Norwegian singer/songwriter)
- Kristensen, Martin
- Kristet Utseende, The
- Kristi Brud (Ambient artist)
- Kristiaan, Tom (Belgian neoclassical pianist & composer)
- Kristian (finnish singer)
- Kristiane (singer/songwriter from LA)
- Kristiane (Has song “At the End”)
- Kristiane & Ades, Carol
- Kristiansen, Alice
- Kristiansson, Anton (Swedish indie)
- Kristiansson, Calle
- Kristianto, Jubing
- Kristin Critical (Experimental rock artist)
- Kristin Minde
- Kristina (Christian singer)
- Kristína (Slovak singer)
- Kristina Si (Black Star Inc)
- Kristina, Dani
- Kristina, Maja (Swedish Pop singer)
- Kristine (Synthwave artist)
- Kristmanson, Kyrie
- Kristof, Norbert
- Kristoffersen, Freddy
- Kristofferson, Kris
- Kristofferson, Kris & Coolidge, Rita
- Kristofferson, Kris & Lee, Brenda
- Kristofferson, Kris & Nelson, Willie
- Kristofferson, Kris & Parton, Dolly
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Baez, Joan
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Berg, Matraca
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Browne, Jackson
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Cohn, Marc
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Coolidge, Rita
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Curtis, Catie
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Earle, Steve
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Gill, Vince
- Kristofferson, Kris feat. Knopfler, Mark
- Kristofferson, Kris with Baez, Joan
- Kristofferson, Kris with Nelson, Willie
- Kristofferson, Kris, Nelson, Willie, Parton, Dolly & Lee, Brenda
- Kristolyn Lloyd
- Kristopher James
- Kristopher James feat. Swatkins
- Krisu (chillstep)
- Krisy (Belgian-Congolese rapper & producer)
- Kritharas, Dafné
- KriticKill
- Kritzer, Leslie
- Kritzer, Scott
- Kritzer, Scott and Chvatal, Janet
- Krivokapić, Goran
- Kriwanek, Wolle
- Kriwanek, Wolle & Schulz Bros.
- Krixhjälters, The
- Krizbeatz feat. Skales
- Krizous & Ariaz
- Krlic, Bobby
- Krma (disco club from Valencia, Spain)
- Krobak (Ukrainian post-rock)
- Krochik, Miguel
- Kroda (Ukrainian pagan black/folk metal)
- Kroeger, Chad
- Kroeger, Chad feat. Scott, Josey
- Kroeger, Steve feat. Holland, Skye
- Kroes, Iris
- Kroes, Wolter
- Kroft, Jacqueline
- Kroft, Jim
- Krog, Karin
- Kröger, Hannes
- Kröger, Uwe (musical theatre actor/singer)
- Krogh, Hanne (Norwegian singer and actress)
- Krogsøe, Kristian
- Kroh
- Kroh (known as krohmusic)
- Krohn, Michael
- Kroi (Japanese rock band)
- Kroki
- Kroko Jack
- Kroko Jack feat. Skero
- Krokodil (UK metal)
- Krokodil (Swiss rock group)
- Krokodile
- Krokofant
- Krokus (Swiss hard rock group)
- Król (Polish artist Błażej Król)