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- JusJVG
- Johnson, Brian & Jenn
- Johnson, Budd, Quintet
- Johnson, Buddy
- Johnson, Buddy & Johnson, Ella
- Johnson, Buddy and His Orchestra
- Johnson, Bunk
- Johnson, Bunk & Watters, Lu
- Johnson, Caleb
- Johnson, Calvin (US guitarist, vocalist, songwriter, producer & DJ)
- Johnson, Carissa (US singer‐songwriter)
- Johnson, Carolyn Dawn
- Johnson, Cedar Rose
- Johnson, Charles (2010s folk-rock singer/songwriter)
- Johnson, Chuck (US indie folk guitarist & composer)
- Johnson, Cody (Country Music Singer)
- Johnson, Cody & Underwood, Carrie
- Johnson, Cody feat. Brooks & Dunn
- Johnson, Cody feat. Jelly Roll
- Johnson, Cody feat. The Rockin' Cjb
- Johnson, Cody feat. The Rockin’ CJB
- Johnson, Cody ft. Brooks & Dunn
- Johnson, Cody ft. Jelly Roll
- Johnson, Craig Hella
- Johnson, Damon
- Johnson, David Michael
- Johnson, Dean (Seattle singer-songwriter)
- Johnson, Deborah Liv (American singer and songwriter)
- Johnson, Denise
- Johnson, Derek (Jesus Culture)
- Johnson, Dick (US jazz clarinetist/saxophonist)
- Johnson, Don (US actor, Miami Vice)
- Johnson, Dwayne (actor, “The Rock”)
- Johnson, Edith
- Johnson, Emma (UK clarinettist)
- Johnson, Emma, Drake, Julius
- Johnson, Eric (guitarist and recording artist from Austin, Texas)
- Johnson, Eric (Lead singer of the Fruit Bats)
- Johnson, Eric (jazz guitarist from Pittsburgh, Pa)
- Johnson, Eric (singer / songwriter from Detroit)
- Johnson, Fela
- Johnson, Fletcher C.
- Johnson, General (US soul singer, R&B songwriter & producer)
- Johnson, General & Chairmen of the Board
- Johnson, George Washington (1890’s Singer)
- Johnson, Greg (New Zealand singer/songwriter)
- Johnson, Gus (Comedian)
- Johnson, Hannah (Philadelphia-based singer-songwriter)
- Johnson, Hawkins, Tatum & Durr
- Johnson, Henry (jazz guitarist)
- Johnson, Holly
- Johnson, Howard (funk/soul)
- Johnson, Howard (tuba & baritone saxophone)
- Johnson, Howard & Gravity
- Johnson, J.J. (jazz/bop trombonist/session leader)
- Johnson, Jabari (gospel artist)
- Johnson, Jack (singer‐songwriter from Hawaii)
- Johnson, Jack (1980s USA guitarist for Alice Cooper)
- Johnson, Jack & Bovell, Dennis
- Johnson, Jack & Nightmares on Wax
- Johnson, Jack & Perry, Lee “Scratch”
- Johnson, Jack & Stick Figure
- Johnson, Jack feat. Animal Liberation Orchestra
- Johnson, Jack feat. Costa, Matt
- Johnson, Jack feat. Harper, Ben
- Johnson, Jack feat. Love, G.
- Johnson, Jack feat. Money Mark
- Johnson, Jack with Ozomatli & Love, G.
- Johnson, Jack with Shimabukuro, Jake
- Johnson, Jack with Vedder, Eddie
- Johnson, Jack with Vedder, Eddie & Kahiapo, Kawika
- Johnson, Jack, Matthews, Dave & Reynolds, Tim
- Johnson, Jack, Vedder, Eddie & Gill, Zach
- Johnson, Jacob (Country singer)
- Johnson, Jade & Medford, Paul J.
- Johnson, James P.
- Johnson, Jamey (American country music singer and songwriter)
- Johnson, Jamey & Krauss, Alison
- Johnson, Jamey feat. Krauss, Alison
- Johnson, Jamie (vocalist working with German rapper Cappuccino)
- Johnson, Jay Armstrong
- Johnson, Jaylene
- Johnson, Jeanne (strings)
- Johnson, Jef Lee
- Johnson, Jeff (New Age artist based in Camano Island, WA, USA)
- Johnson, Jeff & Dunning, Brian
- Johnson, Jenn (CCM singer‐songwriter, wife of Bethel worship leader Brian Johnson)
- Johnson, Jenn, Johnson, Brian & Bethel Music
- Johnson, Jeremiah (American blues singer)
- Johnson, Jeris (US Singer, AKA Jeris)
- Johnson, Jesse (original guitarist for The Time)