- HH
- HHab
- HabHad
- HadHaf
- HafHah
- HahHai
- HaiHal
- HalHal
- halHal
- HalHal
- HalHal
- HalHam
- HamHam
- HamHan
- HanHan
- HanHan
- HanHan
- HanHAO
- HaoHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- harHar
- HarH
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHar
- HarHas
- HasHat
- HatHat
- HatHav
- HavHaw
- HawHay
- HayHay
- HayHaz
- HazHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHEA
- HEAHea
- HeaHea
- HeaHea
- HEAHec
- HecHed
- HedHei
- HeiHek
- HekHel
- HelHel
- HelHel
- HELHel
- HelHen
- HenHen
- HenHen
- HenHer
- HerHER
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHer
- HerHet
- HetHEX
- HexHI
- HiHib
- HibHid
- HidHig
- HigHig
- HigHIH
- HiiHil
- HilHil
- HilHil
- HilHin
- HinHiq
- HirHis
- HisHix
- HixHo
- HoHod
- HodHog
- HogHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HolHol
- HomHom
- HomHon
- HonHon
- HonHoo
- HooHoo
- HopHop
- HopHor
- HorHor
- HORHos
- HosHot
- HotHou
- HouHou
- HouHow
- HowHow
- HowHSR
- HsuHud
- HuDHuf
- HufHui
- HuiHum
- HumHum
- HumHUN
- HunHun
- HunHur
- HurHus
- HusHVN
- HVNHyd
- HydHyp
- HypHyr
- HyrHZY
- Holy Blood (Christian Folk / Viking, Black metal band)
- Holy City Rollers
- Holy Cows (Argentina rockabilly)
- Holy Death (Polish black metal band)
- Holy Death (Doom/Death US)
- Holy Death (Panamanian Death Metal)
- Holy Dragon (Danish rock band)
- Holy Drill (rapper/singer)
- Holy Esque
- Holy Fallout
- Holy Family (Montreal-based band from Gothenburg)
- Holy Fawn
- Holy Fuck (Canadian electronica band)
- Holy Ghost Tabernacle Choir, The
- Holy Ghost Tent Revival
- Holy Ghost, The (rock band from Brooklyn, New York)
- Holy Ghost, the (Rock band from Stockholm)
- Holy Ghost! (Brooklyn synth pop duo)
- Holy Goof
- Holy Goof x Notion feat. Kai Ryder
- Holy Grail (US metal band)
- Holy Grove
- Holy Guile, The (deathcore)
- Holy Hive
- Holy Holy (Australian rock band)
- Holy Holy (David Bowie tribute band)
- Holy Holy feat. Haven, Darcie
- Holy Holy feat. Medhanit
- Holy Knights
- Holy Knives, The
- Holy Locust (Underground Folk)
- Holy Mackerel, The (1968's Californian psychedelic pop)
- Holy Martyr (Italian Heavy Metal)
- Holy Mess, The
- Holy Modal Rounders, The
- Holy Models
- Holy Molar
- Holy Moly (rockabilly band)
- Holy Moly & the Crackers
- Holy Monitor
- Holy Moses (German thrash metal band)
- Holy Mother (heavy/power metal)
- Holy Motors (Estonian band)
- Holy Mountain, The (South Korean stoner/sludge metal band)
- Holy Mountain, The (hardcore band from Tampa, FL)
- Holy Name
- Holy Nothing (Electronic band)
- Holy Now
- Holy Other
- Holy Oysters
- Holy Piby
- Holy Pinto
- Holy Ramen
- Holy Raz
- Holy Rollercoasters, The
- Holy Roman Army, The
- Holy Roman Empire (Chigago synth + rock band)
- Holy Santa Barbara, The (German DJ and producer)
- Holy Shire
- Holy Soldier
- Holy Sons
- Holy Ten (Zimbabwe rapper)
- Holy Terror
- Holy Two
- Holy Wars
- Holy Wave (US psychedelic rock band)
- Holy Wave feat. Lorelle Meets the Obsolete
- Holy Wave feat. Sol, Estrella del
- Holy White Hounds
- Holy Witch
- Holy, Steve
- Holy, The (Finnish alt. rock band)
- HolyBrune
- Holybrune & Dabeull
- HolyBrune & Dabeull
- HOLYCHILD feat. Nash, Kate
- Holydrug Couple, The (Chilean neo-psychedelic rock band)
- Holyfield (Progressive Pop-Punk band)
- Holygram
- HolyName (Metal worship band)
- HolyName feat. Reeves, Brook
- HolyRoller (Winston-Salem, NC psychedelic doom/stoner metal band)
- Holysseus Fly
- HolyTheGodKing
- Holywater
- Holywatr
- Holzfrei-Böhmische
- Holzman, Adam & Brave New World
- Holzman, Keith