- EE
- EE
- EaEar
- EarEar
- EarEas
- EasEAS
- EasEas
- EasEbo
- EboEch
- EchEco
- EcoEdd
- EddEdg
- EdgEds
- EdsEDX
- EDXEff
- EffEgo
- EGOEic
- EicEim
- EinEkh
- EkhEko
- EkoEl
- ElEla
- ElaEld
- ELEEle
- eleEle
- EleEle
- EleEle
- EleEli
- EliEli
- EliELK
- ElkEll
- EllEll
- EllEll
- EllElo
- EloElv
- ElvEma
- EmaEMB
- EMBEme
- EmeEmi
- EmiEmi
- EmiEmm
- EmmEmp
- EmpEmp
- EmpEnc
- EncEnd
- EndEnf
- EnfEng
- EngENN
- ENNEns
- EnsEnv
- EnvEpi
- EpiEps
- EptErd
- ErdEri
- EriErl
- ErlErr
- ErrEsc
- EscEsk
- EskEsp
- EspEst
- EstEst
- EstEt
- Eth
- EthEug
- EugEur
- EurEva
- EvaEva
- Eve
- EveEve
- EveEvi
- EviEvr
- EvrExa
- ExaExh
- EXIExo
- ExoExs
- ExtEye
- EyeEyo
- EyoEzz
- Elephant Man feat. Brown, Chris
- Elephant Man feat. Busta Rhymes & Shaggy
- Elephant Man feat. Killah Priest
- Elephant Man feat. Mr. Vegas
- Elephant Man feat. Ranx, Delly
- Elephant Man feat. Rihanna
- Elephant Micah
- Elephant Music (production music library [EMG#])
- Elephant Parade
- elephant planet
- Elephant Rescue
- Elephant Revival (US folk music group)
- Elephant Ride
- Elephant Riders
- Elephant Stone (Canadian indie rock band)
- Elephant Tree (UK stoner / doom metal band)
- Elephant, Mr.
- Elephant’s Memory
- Elephante
- Elephante & SABAI feat. Ridgely, Claire
- Elephante feat. Anjulie
- Elephante feat. BISHØP
- Elephante feat. Burnette, Brandyn
- Elephante feat. Deb’s Daughter
- Elephante feat. Dresage
- Elephante feat. Knightly
- Elephante feat. Matluck
- Elephante feat. Nevve
- Elephante feat. Tiina
- Elephants Bizarres, Les
- Elephants From Neptune
- Elephants in Paradise (Austrian Band)
- Elephants Through The Alps
- Elephanz
- Elephone
- ELERI (Welsh Artist formerly known as Eleri Angharad)
- Elessär (Argentinian band)
- EletroSamba
- Elettrica (Italian rock band)
- Elettrogruppogeno
- Elevado (Bradley Rhodes & Brent Shuttleworth)
- Elevate: I Am
- Elevated Sins
- Elevation (drum & bass experiemental idm; from Atlanta)
- Elevation Church Kids
- Elevation Collective
- Elevation Collective feat. Brown, Chris & Houghton, Israel
- Elevation Collective feat. Cobbs Leonard, Tasha
- Elevation Collective feat. Houghton, Israel
- Elevation Collective feat. Houghton, Israel & Ivey, Sherretta
- Elevation Collective feat. Travis Greene & Sheard, Kierra
- Elevation Collective feat. Tribbett, Tye
- Elevation Collective feat. Walls Group, The
- Elevation Español
- ELEVATION RHYTHM (Youth band for Elevation worship)
- Elevation Worship
- Elevation Worship & Lake, Brandon
- Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music
- Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music feat. Chandler Moore & Raine, Naomi
- Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music feat. Dante Bowe & Chandler Moore
- Elevation Worship & Maverick City Music feat. Lake, Brandon
- Elevation Worship feat. Barrett, Pat
- Elevation Worship feat. Barrientes, Jonsal
- Elevation Worship feat. Brown, Chris
- Elevation Worship feat. Brown, Chris & Lake, Brandon
- Elevation Worship feat. Brown, Chris, Lake, Brandon & Hudson, Tiffany
- Elevation Worship feat. Chandler Moore & Hudson, Tiffany
- Elevation Worship feat. Hudson, Tiffany
- Elevation Worship feat. Lake, Brandon
- Elevation Worship feat. Lake, Brandon, Brown, Chris & Chandler Moore
- Elevation Worship feat. Wells, Tauren
- Elevation Youth
- Elevator (Canadian indie rock band formerly Elevator To Hell)
- Elevator Boys
- Elevator Division
- Elevator Grips
- Elevator Suite
- Elevator Through
- Elevator to Hell
- Elevator to Hell (Rick White)
- Elevators to the Grateful Sky
- Elevators, The (UK punk/powerpop band)
- Eleven (rock band from Los Angeles, California)
- eleven (Indian hip‐hop producer)
- Eleven Hold
- Eleven Hundred Springs
- Eleven Minutes Away
- Eleven Past One (pop-punk)
- Eleven Pictures
- Eleven Pond