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- DurDur
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- DusDut
- DutDvw
- DWDyi
- DyiDyl
- DylDyn
- DynDze
- DDzs
- Depedro & Bunbury
- DePedro feat. Auserón, Santiago
- DePedro feat. Bunbury
- DePedro feat. Casal, Luz
- DePedro feat. Fuel Fandango
- Depedro feat. Izal
- DePedro feat. Malla, Coque
- DePedro feat. Vetusta Morla
- Depenbusch, Anna
- Depenbusch, Anna & Forster, Mark
- Dependence
- Depew, Art
- Deplasticoverde
- dePlume, Alabaster
- dePlume, Alabaster feat. Gill, Momoko
- Depol
- Deportees (Swedish indie pop band)
- Déportivo
- Deportivo Aleman
- Deposed King (Hungarian prog group)
- Deposit Man (Finnish punk band)
- Depp Jones
- Depp, Johnny & Bonham Carter, Helena
- Depp, Johnny & Crawford, Lilla
- Depp, Johnny, Bonham Carter, Helena & Bower, Jamie Campbell
- Deprecated (US Brutal Death Metal)
- Depreciation Guild, The
- Depresión Post-Mortem
- Depresión Sonora
- dePresno
- Depressed (Brazilian Death Metal band)
- Depressed Mode (American, Brooklyn. NY. based band)
- Depressed Mode
- Depressed Specter
- Depressing Claim
- Depression (German grindcore band)
- Depressive Age
- Depressive Reality
- Depressure (Finnish band)
- Depresszió
- Depresy (Slovak death metal)
- DePrime (Alternative rock band from Lakeland, Florida)
- Deprived Existence
- Deproducers
- Depswa
- Dept (South Korean singer-songwriter, producer)
- Dept & Alisha, Ashley
- Dept & Choi, Lilly feat. J.O.Y, JOY & Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept & Cindy Zhang
- Dept & J.O.Y, JOY
- Dept & Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept & prettyhappy feat. Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept & SHN
- Dept feat. Alisha, Ashley
- Dept feat. Alisha, Ashley & Chung, Kevin
- Dept feat. Alisha, Ashley & heyden
- Dept feat. Alisha, Ashley & J.O.Y, JOY
- Dept feat. Alisha, Ashley & Kiloran, Pat
- Dept feat. Alisha, Ashley & Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept feat. Alisha, Ashley & prettyhappy
- Dept feat. Cindy Zhang
- Dept feat. EJEAN
- Dept feat. J.O.Y, JOY
- Dept feat. J.O.Y, JOY & Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept feat. Kiloran, Pat
- Dept feat. Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept feat. Kuan, Kelsey & prettyhappy
- Dept feat. Oliver, Zach
- Dept feat. prettyhappy
- Dept feat. Sallyboy & Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept, Fernandez, Gareth & Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept, J.O.Y, JOY & Kuan, Kelsey
- Dept. (Spanish rock band)
- Dept. of Good and Evil
- Deptford Goth
- Depth Affect
- Depths (New Zealand deathcore)
- Depths of Hatred
- Depths Of Stygia
- Depths of Titan (Finnish band)
- Depustūtes (Riot grrrl band from Riga, Latvia)
- Deputy Dawg
- Deputy, Zach (A one-man band who uses live-looping extensively)
- Der Blutharsch and the infinite church of the leading hand (Austrian kraut rock band)
- Der Flohhaufen
- Der Glöckner Von Notre Dame
- Der Himmel über Berlin
- Der kleine Gauss
- Der Mann
- Der Noir (gothic rock)
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