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- AviAvr
- AvrAwk
- AwkAxi
- AxiAya
- AyaAy
- AZAAze
- AzeAzo
- AzoAzz
- Apéro-Jazz (Rappeur)
- Apers, The (Dutch pop-punk band)
- Aperta, Athena
- Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories
- Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory
- Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory
- Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory
- APES (Australian band)
- Apes (Canada, Metal)
- Apes (Japanese rock band)
- Apes & Horses
- Apes of the State
- Apex (UK breakbeat/drum & bass producer Matt Jarrett)
- Apex (Rob Dickeson, drum & bass producer)
- ApeX (Thrash metal band, Finland)
- Apex feat. Marar, Ayah
- Apex Manor (Band From Pasadena, USA)
- Apex Theory, The
- Apexape (Remix/DJ Duo Benny Kane & Dr Specs)
- Apexx (Hardstyle by Ross MacGill)
- Apey
- Apey and the Pea
- Aphasia (NY Metalcore)
- Aphasia (California emo band)
- Aphelion, The (Progressive Metal, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- Aphex Twin
- Aphonic Threnody (UK funeral doom/death metal)
- Aphonnic
- Aphotic (Scottish brutal death metal band)
- Aphra Taylor
- Aphrodesia
- Aphrodisiac (Norwegian ambient group)
- Aphrodite (UK Drum & Bass producer Gavin King)
- Aphrodite (Roblox pop)
- Aphrodite feat. Levy, Barrington
- Aphrodite’s Child (Greek psychedelic rock band)
- Aphroe (German rapper)
- Aphrohead
- Aphrow (Belgian engineer, chillhop/boombap/lofi/ambient producer)
- Aphyxion
- Apice (Italian singer‐songwriter Manuel Apice)
- Apicella, Danielle
- Apicella, Flavio
- Apina
- APink
- Apink
- Apink BnN
- Apink CHOBOM
- Apirana, Steve
- Apis Mellifera
- apl.de.ap
- Aplin, Gabrielle
- Aplin, Gabrielle & Cooper, JP
- Apnea (Korean EDM band)
- Apo & the Apostles
- APO Hiking Society
- Apoc (Solo project of The Apocalypse DJ (Drummer of Smashing into pieces))
- Apocalipsis (sludge/post-metal band from Mexico)
- Apocalypse (UK 80's indie band)
- Apocalypse (Swiss Thrash Metal)
- Apocalypse (US doom metal/grindcore/crust from Walnut, California)
- Apocalypse (Crow side project)
- Apocalypse (US heavy/power/progressive metal band from Caledonia, MI)
- Apocalypse (Italian black/viking metal band)
- Apocalypse (Japanese melodic death metal band from Osaka)
- Apocalypse Hoboken
- Apocalypse Orchestra
- Apocalyptic Leaders
- Apocalyptic Salvation
- Apocalyptica
- Apocalyptica × VAMPS
- Apocalyptica feat. Cavalera, Max & Tuck, Matthew
- Apocalyptica feat. Duplantier, Joe
- Apocalyptica feat. Duplantier, Joe
- Apocalyptica feat. Gontier, Adam
- Apocalyptica feat. Hagen, Nina
- Apocalyptica feat. Jandová, Marta
- Apocalyptica feat. Lauri
- Apocalyptica feat. Lauri & Valo, Ville
- Apocalyptica feat. Lindemann, Till
- Apocalyptica feat. Manu
- Apocalyptica feat. Nasić, Sandra
- Apocalyptica feat. Rossdale, Gavin
- Apocalyptica feat. Sayer, Matthias
- Apocalyptica feat. Scabbia, Cristina
- Apocalyptica feat. Smith, Brent
- Apocalyptica feat. Sturm, Lacey
- Apocalyptica feat. Sturm, Lacey
- Apocalyptica feat. Sturm, Lacey
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