The Inevitability of Pain (And the Stupidity of Those Who Don't Expect It)
- I Am My Last Memory
- Escape From the Hate
- march of the lost toys (manipulation)
- Comforted by Indifference
- Waste
- too cold to feel
- BlackHearted GoodByes
- Acceptance
- The Inevitability of Pain
- Not so much where home is as when home is
- We All Get Lost
- New Hope for the Heartless
- Blood in the Rainwater
- Still Birth
- The Hands That Created Us
- I choose to be
An Experiment in Orbital Displacement
- Aphelion
- Taken Away...
- An Out of Mind Experience
- For the Thousandth Time, I Really Am...
- Fractured I
- Fractured II
- Fractured III
- Pieced Together
- For Every Action, There Is an Equal and Opposite Revenge
- The Day the Earth Went Cold
- We Lost Our Lives to the Snow
- Sometimes It Feels as If the Earth Is Dying
- Conquering an as Yet Unoccupied Future
- Sleep Away, Life
Mehr Songtexte

- Evolve or Dissolve
- Off of the Ledge
- Things lost; a memory
- Human false, erased daily
- Sleeping off a Coma
- FallPast
- In the Here and the Now
- Raspberry Pie
- Magnetopause
- Minding the Hourglass
- Hold Onto Your Dreams
- 6
- The New Way of Thinking
- Rainbands
- Zero A.E.
- Clouded Mind and Ringing Ears
- The Concept
- Piano Impossiblé
- Symphony of Drums
- Donkey Kong Country 'Clouded Mind and Ringing Ears' OC ReMix
- Blood on the Asphalt [Aetherius Mix] (Guile Ending #2)