
Show Me Love Songtext
von Robin Schulz

Show Me Love Songtext

There′s a notebook on the table
You can take it to the store
So you won't forget the groceries anymore
There′s a rifle in the cabinet that I used to fight a war
But to this day, I don't know what I was fighting for
I'm fighting for

Will you show me love as we get older
And I′m falling at your feet
After 30 years of service and the wounds of it are me
Show me love as we grow colder
Let our love provide the heat
That our older bones are missing
But our hearts will never need

There′s a blanket on the sofa that I used to keep you warm
When I find you fast asleep at half past four
There's a record we keep turning that reminds us of our youth
But there′s still nothing as beautiful as you

Will you show me love as we get older
And I'm falling at your feet
After 30 years of service and the wounds of it are me
Show me love as we grow colder
Let our love provide the heat
That our older bones are missing
But our hearts will never need

As we grow colder
Love provide the heat
Older bones are missing
Hearts will never meet
Because your hand, belongs in my hand
Belongs in your hand, belongs with, with me
(Blanket on the sofa that I used to keep you warm
There′s a record we keep turning that I used to turn you on)

Show me love as we get older
And I'm falling at your feet
After 30 years of service and the wounds of it are me
Show me love as we grow colder
Let our love provide the heat
That our older bones are missing
But our hearts will never need

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Wunderschönes Lied! Muss immer an meinen Freund denken wenn ich es höre :'(


Es gibt einen Fehler im Text! Es heißt nicht "After thirty years of service and one to fit our needs" sondern "After thirty years of service and the wounds have healed on me"!!


Der Text kann nicht ganz stimmen, das Ende des Refrains ergibt inhaltlich keinen Sinn, habe daher einen native speaker gefragt, so sollte es stimmen: "Let our love provide the heat, that our older bones are missing, but our hearts will never need" (Lass unsere Liebe die Wärme liefern, die unsere alten Knochen vermissen, aber unsere Herzen niemals brauchen werden).

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