Yuki Iwai Songtexte

- Mount Imaus
- Labyrinth of Mirrors
- The Sittem Desert
- Opening
- Battle with Breager
- Breager's Castle
- Title Screen
- Living Legend
- Ghoul Dwelling
- Ghoul Town
- Dark Forest of Hinom
- Hecate's Cave
- Invaded Etruria
- Get an Item
- Game Over
- Royal Chambers
- Goza Crevasse
- The Ghoul Realm
- Boss Battle
- Fight!?
- Hostile Wilderness
- Stage Clear
- Gains Assaults
- Where Pilots Meet
- Continue
- Frame Stagger Stage
- Sonic Ostreague Stage
- Cristar Mymine Stage
- Another Boss 1
- Counter Hunter Stage 1
- Another Boss 2
- Magne Hyakulegger Stage
- Counter Hunter Stage 2
- Bubbly Crablos Stage
- Sigma 2nd
- Stage Select 1
- Stage Select 2
- Pass Word
- Wire Hetimarl Stage
- Boss 1
- Stage Start
- Boss 2
- Ending
- Wheel Alligates Stage
- Metamor Mothmeanos Stage
- Opening Stage
- Zero
- Sigma 1st
- Staff Roll
- Title
- Dr. Right
- Demo