Kore‐o Kore‐o Bonito
- Flava Jingle (von Meowflash)
- Bonito Kitties
- Kipods Would Rather Sleep (von iascas)
- Pocket Makeba (von Grapefruit)
- Super Bonito Land (von Jackhoeting)
- This Beat Is Sick (von iascas)
- Sick B.E.A.T.
- It’s Bonito Jingle Time (von iascas)
- Dickslap (von Kleptomato)
- Big Neighbourhood
- Cool Pink Mother From Outer Space (von TheGuy)
- Mash This (von CactusTeam)
- Trampoline Park
- Break Town
- Waking Up Sick
- Summer Trove Cove
- Trampoline Tricks (von iascas)
- King Conga’s Holiday (von CactusTeam)
- Fish Tone Shellphone (von KryptoDigital)
- Bonito Love
- Funky Bass Drop
- Bangarang Rock (von MrShyGuy)
- Croc Vs Dog (von KryptoDigital)
- Interior Pilotwings Alligator
- Fancy Bonfire
- Honeypants Highway
- Super Sweatpants Peach (von Refriggie)
- Humbllotineatpants (von Refriggie)
- Death Grips and Friends Go to Six Flags (von Refriggie)
- We Like to Party Rock
- Fried Banana (von Snowva)
- 666 Nutshack Deluxe (von Refriggie)
- Dummy Bills (von birch)
- It’s Rock My Dick Time (von iascas)
- Packing Psy
- Ringside Shop
- Oldhead Type Beat (von Grapefruit)
- Squareloft (von birch)
- Waters of Megaloborghini
- Jordan
Parappa Core
- Kick at Me
- Kick Kick (von KryptoDigital)
- Anti Virus Lessons
- Driving Gambino (von ALI=3NS)
- How to Drive (von Password123)
- Mooselini Stays Out of No‐Zones (von birch)
- nice shot mooselini (von birch)
- Flii Market Planes
- Fleamarket Montgomery (von birch)
- Cooking With Knuckles
- Bonita Applecheep (von Brainiac)
- Parappa Parappa Parappa (von ALI=3NS)
- Wholepunch Pissing
- I Gotta Go Take a Chu (von birch)
- Concert Walk
- I Am a Maverick, and You?
- Uptown Fire
- Taste of a Bad Romance (von Wicho)
- Parappa the Ripper
- Toasty and I Know It
- i toast my buns (Bad mix) (von birch)
- i toast my buns (von birch)
- Toasty Buns, Jump Around! (von iascas)
- This Is a Parappa Town Tradition (von Password123)
- Megalo Strike Buns (von dj fruitsnacks)
- Edgy Weeaboo Love
- Big Parappa (von ALI=3NS)
- Hero of Big Rhymes
- B.I.G. Umbrella (von Wicho)
- Its Everyday Bigpacito (von birch)
- Sistacito
- S.I.S.T.A. (von KurtTheKing)
- Moose (von Password123)
- Nutshack Hair
- Nutshack Hair (Awful mix)
- Tap Scare (von MarioChristo64)
- Hair Scare Cant Be Beat (von Pantsmode)
- Best Hair Day (von iascas)
- Phantom Scare
- King Hair Scare (von OctoThicc)
- Wholepunch Court
- Birch Court (von birch)
- You Reposted in the Wrong Chinese
- H2YL cant be beat (von birch)
- Noodle Halation (von birch)
- Noodles Will Change (von Copykat)
- Brooklyn Cant Be Beat (von iascas)
- All Eyez on Love (von iascas)
- Always Make a Clap to This (von iascas)
- Jukebox Love (von iascas)
- Valentine Love (von iascas)
- Parappa Halation
Parappa Core 2
- Parappa Circulation (von TheHolyT-Bo)
- Onion Fighter
- Super Parappa Land (von Zukesers)
- Chainsaw Chop the Master Fan’s Rap (von Snowva)
- No More Driving (von Refriggie)
- Fleaswallow’s COOL Life (von Meowflash)
- Parappa Loves Peanut Butter (von Refriggie)
- Cheep Problem
- My Toilet (von Pluffaduff)
- I Gotta Switch (von birch)
- Bob‐Omb and Sunny Funny
- Parappa the Mega Animashup (von Guntrol)
- Fire Station Zebra (von ALI=3NS)
- Uptown Fire (Remastered)
- I Gotta Get Lost Somehow (von iascas)
- Dancin’ Parappa (von TheGuy)
- Toast and Jam
- Studiopolis Buns (von Ian)
- Toasty Bagels (von TheHolyT-Bo)
- Lord of the Buns (von Constipated Nugget)
- Ultimate Buns (von birch)
- Romantic Basketball
- Romantic Basketball (remix)
- Romantic Finesse
- B.I.G. Ass Mix (von KryptoDigital)
- K.Y.S.
- Wow Moosesha
- S.C.A.R.E.
- Dame Tu Hair Scare (von MrShyGuy)
- Iascas’ Court 2 (von iascas)
- Always Beat Shaq (von iascas)
- Always DREAM
- Food Court Collab 2
- Everybody’s Food Court