Is Breakcore Trendy Yet Like My Title
- Kavu Lands
- Kryskrill
- Higglegigglemegglemixer
- Traffic Lights and Blackened Suits
- I Just Can't Trust Anyone
- The Call of the National Goatsucker
- Deadly Square Labido Kill
- Bahamur (Desperation)
- Culinary Punk Zombies Shuffling in Front of the Clinic
- Grabyoubytheface (prettygirl)
- Breakcore Ditty
- Methadone Siesta
- Angle Flesh Reverberation
- Ethnic Corrections
- Grind the Perfect Circle
- Kiryu's Impending Demise (postrelease edit)
- Car Wash Suicide Breaks
- Blinking Signals and Tattered Rave Pants
Blood Is an Open Cage
- Legitimate Rape Is a OK (Prelude)
- The Sad Warlock Put His Burnt Bacon in the Bin and Weeped
- Summon Scott Thompson for 2D20 Hits on Ahmuurikan Fag Hating Faggotry
- I Made These Chocolates Just for You (NKS album edit)
- De Geso Desu Masume Aoi Aoi
- Nazi Lolis Have No Problem Taking Cough Syrup Shots in the Bum
- Tooth_Eye Greed Mix (von Syphilis Sauna)
- I Made These Chocolates Just for You (Safoh remix)
- De Geso Desu Masume Aoi Aoi (Diggy Saw remix by CCDM)
- The Fallen King of Linwood Castle (feat. Tooth_Eye)
- I Made These Chocolates Just for You (Secretly Made for Your Mum remix by Matt_scratch)
- De Geso Desu Masume Aoi Aoi (Sir.Vixx remix)
- Tooth_Eye Made Some Chocolates and You Will Never Understand Why (von Miskibaul)
- De Geso Desu Masume Aoi Aoi (Porion remix)
- De Geso Desu Masume Aoi Aoi (Ankole Watusi remix)
Wave Rape, Volume 3
- Miles Mavis Noisecore Handjob
- Ehafh - Conflict Abomination (tooth_eye remix)
- While Walking to the Pioneer I Thought of Stabbing You in the Belly and Seeing the Expression on Your Face, the Blood Trickles Down
- Anyone Can Be Beat by Chris Brown
- Tacoskullcaneatadick (Andcatchswineflu)
- Nyameowroyvib
- Officerandaspacedeviant
- I Love You Dio! (Since You Died!)
- Summer Dick Slime From the Rapist I Payed to Rape Your Filthy Slut Cheatin' Ass
- I Bet Thats How It Sounded When You Fucked Your Brother and He Stuck His Feces in Your Mess of a Cunt
- Coagulated Endometrium Noisecore Mega Mashup
- Pioneering the Multitudes of Stupidity Serum Cycling Round and Roun
- Whitehouse - Dumping More Fucking Rubbish (tooth_eye remix)
- Evil Robot Ted - I Dreamt That You Didnt Fuck All My Friends and I Smiled at You (tooth_eye ERT remix)
- IZFERNOR - [Smith Opens the Basement Door] (tooth_eye remix)
- Ethnomite Pux - Noise Bacon (tooth_eye remix)
- I Loved You and You Fucked All My Friends
- Ibetthatshowitsoundedwhenyoufecalfuckedyourbrotheryoufilthycuntingslut (RedSK remix)
Mehr Songtexte

- Extoplasmic Fix
- Shukongo-Jin's Currency Exchange
- The Green Seep
- Petulant Callousedflesh Sink-Hole
- fck.dghtr.i.cnt.w.knf (wastedspace)
- Tooth_Eye Made Some Chocolates and You Will Never Understand Why
- Kiryu's Threatened Overdose
- Twilight Glitter Systems United
- Cold Flash Infection
- Hello Kitty Ode Teary Cry
- Plasma-Cum Serenade-Grenade
- Kiryu's Transcendent Flesh
- Kiryu's Concrete Organ See-Through Disguise
- Drug Induced Realizations