The Wiggles Songtexte
Hot Potato
Irish Stew
London Bridge Is Falling Down
Michael Finnegan
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Gründung im August 1991
Murray Cook
Jeff Fatt
Evie Ferris
Anthony Field
Lachlan Gillespie
Kelly Hamilton
Tsehay Hawkins
Lucia Field
Sam Moran
Greg Page
John Adamo Pearce
Simon Pryce
Emma Watkins
Phillip Wilcher
- Emma’s Theme
- Introduction to Hello, My Name Is Emma
- Hello, My Name Is Emma
- Frère Jacques
- Introduction to Say the Dance, Do the Dance
- Say the Dance, Do the Dance
- Ballerina, Ballerina
- Introduction to Sur Le Pont D’avignon
- Sur Le Pont D’avignon
- Introduction to I’ve Got My Glasses On!
- I’ve Got My Glasses On!
- Introduction to Galloping Ballet
- Galloping Ballet
- Introduction to Balla Balla Bambina
- Balla Balla Bambina
- Introduction to Michaud
- Michaud
- Introduction to Twinkling Star
- Twinkling Star
- Introduction to Emma (with the Bow in Her Hair)
- Emma (with the Bow in Her Hair)
- Emma’s Music Box
- Introduction to Emma’s Di Dicki Do Dum
- Emma’s Di Dicki Do Dum
- Introduction to the Corroboree Frog
- The Corroboree Frog
- Introduction to the Giraffe
- The Giraffe
- Listen to the Music Box
- Introduction to Emma’s Country Garden
- Emma’s Country Garden
- Introduction to Brush Your Pet’s Hair
- Brush Your Pet’s Hair
- Introduction to Open, Shut Them
- Open, Shut Them
- Introduction to I’ll Tell Me Ma When I Go Home
- I’ll Tell Me Ma When I Go Home
- Introduction to Two Polite Gentlemen
- Two Polite Gentlemen
- Where Is Thumbkin?
- Introduction to This Little Piggy Went to Market
- This Little Piggy Went to Market
- Introduction to Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- Miss Polly Had a Dolly
- Stille Nacht
- Emma’s Révérence
- Emma’s Finale
Emma! 2
- E‐M‐M‐A Theme Song
- Emma’s Hello Song
- Time to Walk to the Garden
- To the Park We’ll Go with Our Bows
- Mia Oréa Petalútha
- Emma’s Garden Minuet
- Galumph Went the Little Green Frog
- The Blackbird
- Five Finger Family - Anindilyakwa (von The Wiggles feat. Emily Wurramara)
- Emma & Francisco Baila Salsa
- I Look in the Mirror
- Poesje Mauw
- Emma’s Bowmobile
- Samba Go, Go, Go!
- Johnny Put the Kettle On
- In Emma’s Dancing Room
- Gumboot Dance
- Butterfly Ballet
- Three Little Wrens
- Let’s Take a Plane Ride
- Ponies
- Emma’s Music Box
- Five Little Speckled Frogs
- Maranoa Lullaby
- Now’s the Time for Dressing Up (Astronaut)
- Walking on the Moon
- I’ve Got My Glasses On!
- Haru Ga Kita
- What’s in Emma’s Bow Bag?
- Let’s Go and See (The Smiling Scientist)
- Sink or Float
- Emma Baila Baila!
- Five Finger Family (Tamil)
- Emma’s Goodbye Reverence
Emma’s Bowtiful Ballet Studio
- Emma’s Ballet Bar and Mat Introduction
- Hello, My Name Is Emma
- Dressing up for Ballet Class Introduction
- Dressing up for Ballet Class
- Dance with Emma Ballerina
- Demi Plié Introduction
- Demi Plié
- Demi Plié, Let’s Dance Ballet
- Lavenders Blue
- Battement Tendu Introduction
- Battement Tendu
- Tendu, Let’s Dance Ballet
- Balla Balla Bambina
- Rises Introduction
- Rises
- Emma’s Bow Minuet
- Pliés, Tendus and Rises Introduction
- Pliés, Tendus and Rises
- Brisé in the Breeze
- Battement Glissé Introduction
- Glissé, Let’s Dance Ballet
- Two Ballerinas Met in a Lane
- Port De Bras Introduction
- Port De Bras
- Dorothy Pas De Deux
- Now It’s Time to Stretch on the Star Introduction
- Pointe and Flex Stretch
- Frog Stretch Introduction
- Frog Stretch
- Mary Mary
- Twirling Introduction
- Twirling
- Twirls, Let’s Dance Ballet
- Emma’s Ballet Piano Variation
- Skips Introduction
- Skips, Let’s Dance Ballet
- This Is How We Dance Ballet
- Glissade Introduction
- Glissade, Let’s Dance Ballet
- Goat Glissade
- Pas De Chat, Step of the Cat Introduction
- Pas De Chat, Let’s Dance Ballet
- I Love It When It Rains
- Temps Levé Introduction
- Temps Levé, Let’s Dance Ballet
- Banjo Breakdown
- Classical Walks and Port De Bras
- Sur Le Pont D’avignon Avec Emma
- Spring Pointes Introduction
- Spring Pointes
- Two Ballerinos Met in a Lane
- Sauté Introduction
- Sauté
- Skipping in a Circle Introduction
- Skipping in a Circle
- Ballerina, Ballerina
- Dressing to Perform
- The Faerie Dance Introduction
- The Faerie Dance
- Recital Introduction
- When Emma Dances with the Corps De Ballet
- Révérence Introduction
- Emma’s Révérence
Fruit Salad TV
- Fruit Salad TV Theme
- I'm John, I'm Strong!
- Emma, Around We Go
- I'm Evie, I Wear Ballet Shoes!
- Simon's Rhyming
- I Skate and Wear Yellow
- Lachy's Bus Ride
- Shuffle Dancing with Tsehay
- Dippy Do Dinosaur Dance!
- Bok the Dancing Puppet
- Stop at the Lights
- Rock-A-Bye Your Bear
- Hello Song
- Looking For Rock-a-Bye Bear
- Teddy Bear, Turn Around!
- Colours by Dorothy
- We're All Friends
- Featherbears, Turn Around!
- How-De-Do!
- Henry Shakes with One Tentacle
- Wiggle Your Ears
- Say Goodbye, Pizza Pie!