The Plastic People of the Universe Songtexte
Moc jsem si neužil
Gründung im September 1968
- David Babka
- Milan Hlavsa
- Joe Karafiát
- Antonín Korb
- Jan Macháček
- Otakar Michl
- Michaela Němcová
- Milan Schelinger
Muž bez uší
- The Universe Symphony and Melody About Plastic Doctor, Part 1
- Muž bez uší
- The Universe Symphony and Melody About Plastic Doctor, Part 2 (Fragment)
- The Sun (fragment)
- Rosie Rottencrotch
- The Song of Fafejta Bird About Two Unearthly Worlds
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- Never Seek to Tell Thy Love
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- Magor umravňuje publikum v Krči
- Indian Hay
- Růže a mrtví
- The Fairy Queen
- The Tyger
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- Fuddle Duddle Osh Kosh
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