Streets of Gold
- Di zilberne khasene (The Silver Wedding)
- Papirosn (Cigarettes)
- Medyatsiner Waltz
- Mayn rue plats (My Resting Place)
- A glezele vayn (A Little Glass of Wine)
- Baym rebns sude (At the Rebbe’s Meal)
- Af shabes in Vilna (On the Sabbath in Vilna)
- Sonya / Anushke
- Firen di mekhutonim aheym (Leading the In‐Laws Home)
- Lebedik un freylekh (Lively and Merry)
- Freylekhs fun L.A. (Merry Tune From L.A.)
- Bessarabyanke (Girl From Bessarabia)
- Taxim (Improvisation)