The Disco Biscuits Songtexte
Freedom Boulevard
Very Moon Funk
Gründung 1995
Sam Altman
Allen Aucoin
Marc Brownstein
Jon Gutwillig
Aron Magner
10/30/2024 (Madison Theater, Covington, KY) (Live)
- Jam (Live)
- Who's In Charge (Live)
- Confrontation (1) [Live]
- Aceetobee (Live)
- Trap Door (Live)
- Confrontation (2) [Live]
- Svenghali (1) [Live]
- Fire Will Exchange (Inverted) [Live]
- And The Ladies Were The Rest Of The Night (Inverted) [Live]
- Another Plan of Attack (Live)
- Svenghali (2) [Live]
- Country Royale (Live)
10/31/2024 (The Caverns, Pelham, TN) (Live)
- Caterpillar (1) [Live]
- Run Like Hell (1) [Live]
- Digital Buddha (Inverted) [Live]
- Dino Baby (Live)
- Caterpillar (2) [Live]
- Also Sprach Zarathustra (1) [Live]
- Jam (Live)
- Also Sprach Zarathustra (2) [Live]
- The Blue Danube (Live)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey Jam (Live)
- Also Sprach Zarathustra (3) [Live]
- Run Like Hell (2) [Live]