The Advantage
- Megaman 2 - Flashman
- Double Dragon 2 - Stage 2
- Goonies 2
- Bubble Bobble
- Bubble Bobble-Shark Skeleton
- Wizards And Warriors-intro
- Bomberman 2
- Bionic Commando-P.O.W. Camp
- Super Mario Bros. 2-Underworld
- Super Mario Bros. 2-Overworld
- Contra-Snowfields
- Zelda-Fortress
- Batman 2
- Megaman 3 - Dr. Wiley Stage
- Double Dragon 2 (story, and boss music)
- Castlevania 3 - Epitaph
- Ninja Gaidan - Mine Shaft
- Mario 3 - Underworld
- Blastermaster - Stage 2
- Ghosts 'n' Goblins - Intro
- Ghosts 'n' Goblins
- Castlevania - Stage 3
- Marble Madness
- Metal Gear - Jungle
- Contra - Boss Music
- Castlevania 3 - Evergreen
- Megaman II - Dr. Wily Stages 1 & 2
- Gremlins 2 - Stage 2
- Metroid - Kraid's Lair
- Contra - Alien's Lair & Boss
- Fester's Quest - Sewers (Underwear EP)
- Final Fantasy - Intro (Underwear EP)
- Gremlins 2 - Stage 2 (Underwear EP)
- Solar Jetman - Shop (Underwear EP)
- Mega Man III - Sparkman (Underwear EP)
- TMNT II - Technodrome (Underwear EP)
- TMNT - Lake (Underwear EP)
- Ninja Gaiden II - Stage 3-2 (Da Advantage EP)
- Guardian Legend - Computer Room (Da Advantage EP)
- Karnov (Da Advantage EP)
- Final Fantasy III - Chocobo & Super Mario Bros 3 - Wand (Da Advantage EP)
- Mega Man II - Dr. Wily Stages 3-5 (Da Advantage EP)
- Metroid - Norfair (Da Advantage EP)
- Ninja Gaiden - Stages 1-1, 5-2 & 6-3
- Batman: Stage 1
- Contra: Alien's Lair & Boss Music
- Double Dragon III: Egypt
- Ducktales: Moon
- Metroid: Kraid's Lair
- Air Fortress: Not Fat Iced Caramel Hazelnut Soy Latte With Extra Whipped Cream
- Bomberman 2: Wiggy
- Castlevania: Intro / Stage 1
- Solar Jetman: Braveheart Level
- Goonies 2: Wisemen
- Double Dragon II: Mission 5, Forest of Death
- Castlevania III: Boss Music
- Megaman II: Stage Select / Metal Man
- Castlevania II: Woods
- Guardian Legend: Corridor
- Wizards & Warriors: Tree Trunk, Woods, Victory
Rock Bottom: Live from Bottom of the Hill
- Gradius II - Boss
- Metal Gear - Jungle
- Castlevania II - Woods
- Willow - House
- Guardian Legend - Corridors 1 & 2
- Castlevania III - Epitaph
- Mega Man II - Bubble Man
- Bubble Bobble - Theme & Baron Von Blubba
- Marble Madness - Stages 1 & 2
- Solar Jetman - Braveheart Level
- Castlevania - Stage 3
- Metroid - Kraid's Lair
- Gremlins 2 - Stage 2
- Blaster Master - Stage 2
- Fester's Quest - Sewers
- Solar Jetman - Shop
- Bomberman II - Area 6
- Air Fortress - Inner Fortress
- Super Mario Bros 3 - Underworld
- Castlevania III - Boss
- Goonies II - Wiseman, Warpzone & Warehouse
Mehr Songtexte

- Megaman 2: Flashman
- Double Dragon 2: Stage 2
- Bubble Bobble: Shark Skeleton
- Wizards and Warriors: Intro
- Bionic Commando: P.O.W. Camp
- Super Mario Bros. 2: Underworld
- Super Mario Bros. 2: Overworld
- Contra: Snowfields
- Zelda: Fortress
- Megaman 3: Dr. Wiley Stage
- Double Dragon 2: Story and Boss Music
- Castlevania 3: Epitaph
- Ninja Gaiden: Mine Shaft
- Mario 3: Underworld
- Blastermaster: Stage 2
- Ghosts 'n' Goblins: Intro
- Castlevania: Stage 3
- Metal Gear: Jungle
- Contra: Boss Music
- Castlevania 3: Evergreen
- Batman 2 / Castlevania 3
- Gremlins II
- Solar Jetman: Truckstop
- Air Fortress
- Mega Man 2, Dr. Wiley Stage 2 (Milner)
- Wizards and Warriors Medley
- Megaman 2: Bubbleman
- Karnov (McWhirter)
- Final Fantasy
- Super Mario Bros. 2 Medley
- Mario 3: Underworld / Castlevania: Stage 3
- TMNT II: Technodrome
- Gradius II: Boss
- Guardian Legend (McWhirter)
- Final Fantasy III, Mario 3 (Moncrieff)
- Metroid Norfair (Moncrieff)
- Megaman III: Sparkman
- Contra: Snowfields / Zelda: Fortress
- Ninja Gaiden 2 (Seim)
- Fester's Quest
- Magician
- TMNT: Minefield
- karnov (performed mcWhirteR)
- guardian legend (performed mcwHirtEr)
- mega man 2 wiley (*^ (milnEr)
- ninja gaiden 2 (performed sEim)
- final Fantasy 3, mario 3 (moncrieff)
- Contra - Alien's Lair & Boss