2010.8.2 (Remix)
- Overture 198X
- Under the Banner of Hate
- The Solar Radius Will Annihilate Us All
- Incursion
- Beware the Elevator
- Untimely Sensations of Self-Assurance
- One of Twelve
- Dogs of the Federation
- Ascent Into Sanguine Skies
- Descent Into the Fray
- Sans Bionica
- A Sludge Named Caution
- Forgotten Numbers
- On August 2nd, 2010
- Mechanical Heart of the Enemy
- Godwin'd by Master-D
- WWSD (What Would Samus Do?)
- Escape From Promised Damnation
- Federation Anthem
Back to the Future Tribute (Remix)
- ln(x) ˆ ln(love)
- Thyme Baum Taun
- Stylish Time Travel Hoopty
- He's a Pup Killer
- Run From the Racism, Marty
- Another Redneck UFO Sighting
- Space Bastard!
- Re-Elect Mayor Sandman
- Lies About David Crockett
- Saving Pervert George
- Deep Thoughts on the Toilet
- I Mighta Sorta Bumped and Grinded With My Parents
- Time to Traumatize My Father
- Actually, I'm Not Your Father
- Katamari With Me, Henry
- Car Trek Into Brownness
- Dear Dead, I Mean Doc
- Day Bus
- Pledging My Platonicity
- I'll Make You My Servant, Rapist
- White People Stole Chiptunes Too
- Biff Biff
- Lorraine the Danger Whore
- Ginger Cockblock
- My Invisible Hand Wasn't Economical
- I'll Get Inside You One Way or Another, Lorraine
- I Have to Tell You About the Future, There's No Hoverboards
- Back to an Alarmingly Different Future
- Return to Hell Valley
- That Other Marty Probably Died
- My New Rich Family Still Lives in This Dump
- John Titor Returns
- Huey Lewis Doesn't Understand Time Travel
- Until the Sequel!
Mehr Songtexte

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- Somnia, Venator
- The Legend of Zelda: Adventures of Link - All Else Failed (Use Fire)
- Radioactive Waste in My Backyard
- Final Fantasy Ⅳ - Can't Escape the Sorrow
- Zelda Ⅱ: The Adventure of Link - All Else Failed (Use Fire)
- Solstice - Catacombs Beneath the Twilight
- Metroid - Somnia, Venator
- Final Fantasy VI - Shedbin
- Super Mario Bros. 2 - Looming Nightmare
- Dragon Warrior 2 & 4 - Wayfarer
- Wizards & Warriors - Farewell, Dear Maiden
- Double Dragon 3 - Four Cryptic Stones
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Alucard Risen
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- Mega Man - Short Fuse
- King's Quest 5 - Forlorn Dream
- Castlevania 3 - Untimely Death
- Mega Man - Stab the Earth
- Castlevania 2 - Rise of the Gray Knight
- King's Quest 5: The Wizards' Accord
- Section Z - Back to Square One
- Metal Gear: Snake's Revenge - Devious Impostor
- King's Quest VI - The Wizards' Accord
- POW: Strike on the Green Beret
- Legend of the Mystical Ninja: Mist, the Bringer of Pain
- Zhena, Warwick Princess
- Put Aside Strife