
Geboren am 26. August 1946 als Martin Fulterman

The X Files: Original Soundtrack From the Fox Television Series, Volume Three

  1. The X‐Files First Season Main Title
  2. Deep Throat: UFO Kids
  3. Deep Throat: UFO Technology
  4. Deep Throat: Confrontation
  5. Deep Throat: Trek to Yellow Base
  6. Deep Throat: Eye Poke
  7. Deep Throat: Transfer and Release
  8. Conduit: Shaky Ground
  9. Conduit: Weather Balloons
  10. Conduit: Kevin, the NSA Menace
  11. Conduit: Switching Channels / Deciphering
  12. Conduit: Shallow Grave
  13. Conduit: Another X‐File
  14. Space: The Young Col. Belt
  15. Space: Lift Off
  16. Space: Car Crash
  17. Space: Digital Data Banks
  18. Space: Aerial Burial
  19. Gender Bender: Sex Kills
  20. Gender Bender: Arrival in Town
  21. Gender Bender: Intro to Kindred, Part 2
  22. Gender Bender: Finding Kindred
  23. Gender Bender: I Called Him Marty
  24. Gender Bender: Indian Prince‐(ss)
  25. Sleepless: Fire in the Mind
  26. Sleepless: A Call to Autopsy
  27. Sleepless: Meet the New Throat
  28. Sleepless: Top Secret Eyes
  29. Sleepless: Spy Boy
  30. “3”: Bloody Jacuzzi
  31. “3”: Old Files
  32. “3”: Blood in the Loaf
  33. “3”: Protector
  34. “3”: Just Ashes and Bones
  1. Small Potatoes: Alieness
  2. Small Potatoes: Light Sabre
  3. Small Potatoes: Obie Gyn
  4. Small Potatoes: Sugar Patootie
  5. Small Potatoes: Identity Crisis
  6. Small Potatoes: Potato Vault
  7. Small Potatoes: Perk Prisoner
  8. Small Potatoes: Mugging
  9. Small Potatoes: Ain’t No Eddie
  10. El Mundo Gira: Sulphur Water
  11. El Mundo Gira: Killer Enzyme
  12. El Mundo Gira: Fungi Man
  13. El Mundo Gira: El Quasicabra!
  14. Fearful Symmetry: Pachyderm
  15. Fearful Symmetry: Cat Food
  16. Fearful Symmetry: Tiger Walk
  17. Fearful Symmetry: Crushed
  18. The Pine Bluff Variant: Jog
  19. Field Trip: Fungus Among Us
  20. Field Trip: Swamp Ooze
  21. Field Trip: Dream Time
  22. Field Trip: Still Underground
  23. Field Trip: Migraine Mushroom
  1. Bad Blood: Stake in the Heart / Main Title
  2. Bad Blood: Can Kickin’ / Ticket / Exuberant
  3. Bad Blood: Mushrooms
  4. Bad Blood: Fangs
  5. Bad Blood: Rolling Acres
  6. Bad Blood: Vibro‐Pizza
  7. Bad Blood: Living Dead
  8. Unusual Suspects: Fell’s Point
  9. Unusual Suspects: Hackland
  10. Unusual Suspects: Holly Sugar
  11. Unusual Suspects: Molar Wire
  12. Unusual Suspects: Cleaners
  13. Unusual Suspects: The Truth Is
  14. Detour: Bush Monster
  15. Detour: Trail of Stolen Pebbles
  16. Detour: Forest Fridge
  17. Patient X: Barbecue Ludi
  18. Patient X: Malchik
  19. Patient X: The Krycek Diet
  20. Patient X: Skyland Barbecue
  21. Patient X: Les Saboteurs
  22. Patient X: Bridge of Sighs
  1. Drive: Special Report
  2. Drive: Road Rage
  3. Drive: Head Blow
  4. Drive: Hijack
  5. Drive: Westward Ho
  6. Drive: Inner Ear
  7. Drive: ELF Wave
  8. Drive: Manure Piles
  9. Essence: Recap
  10. Essence: Parenti’s Showroom
  11. Essence: Billy the Terminator
  12. Essence: Head Bag
  13. Essence: Vitamins
  14. Essence: Lizzy’s Labours
  15. Essence: Compacted
  16. Trust No 1: Computer Lab
  17. Trust No 1: Spies Like Us
  18. Trust No 1: Puppet Master
  19. Trust No 1: Jumper / Scully’s Serenade
  20. The X‐Files: 1st Season End Credits
  21. I Made This / 20th Century Fox Fanfare (von Alfred Newman)

The X Files: Original Soundtrack From the Fox Television Series, Volume Two

  1. The X Files Main Title (season 1)
  2. Eve: Swinging Dead Daddy
  3. Eve: Meet Your Clone
  4. Eve: Attached
  5. Young at Heart: The Eyes Don’t Lie
  6. Young at Heart: Ain’t Dead Yet
  7. Young at Heart: Youth
  8. Young at Heart: Shot in the Crowd
  9. E.B.E.: Swimming With Sharks
  10. E.B.E.: Here We Go
  11. Tooms: Druid Hill
  12. Tooms: Rats & Babes
  13. Tooms: Toilet Tooms
  14. Born Again: Psycho‐Electric Attack
  15. Blood: Drive for Blood
  16. Die Hand die Verletzt: Prayer
  17. Die Hand die Verletzt: Suicide Exam
  18. Die Hand die Verletzt: Snake Hold
  19. Colony: Hypothermia
  20. Colony: Alta
  21. End Game: Scully’s Discovery / Mulder’s E‐Mail Message / Skinner Helps Scully
  22. End Game: Showdown / Saving Mulder / Faith to Keep Looking
  1. The X Files Main Title (2nd season)
  2. Soft Light: Eaten by Light
  3. Soft Light: Spontaneous Combustion
  4. Soft Light: Shadow on the Wall
  5. F. Emasculata: Flesh on Bone
  6. F. Emasculata: Pustule Package
  7. The Blessing Way: Blown Up and Beaten
  8. Paper Clip: Smoky Gets in Your Eyes
  9. Paper Clip: Outmined
  10. Paper Clip: Sacrifice / Skinner Gets Skinned
  11. Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose: Yappi
  12. Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose: Dumpster
  13. Grotesque: Disarmed
  14. Talitha Cumi: Fries and Faith
  15. Talitha Cumi: Discreet Distance
  16. Herrenvolk: Needle Neck
  17. Home: Newborn
  18. Tunguska: Worm Rock
  19. Tunguska: Chicken Wire Wrap
  20. The X Files End Credits (extended #1)
  1. The X Files Main Title (7th season)
  2. Terma: Black Vermiform
  3. Terma: Fire of Terma
  4. Tempus Fugit: Pieces
  5. Tempus Fugit: Nine Minutes
  6. Gethsemane: Trails
  7. Gethsemane: Thawed
  8. Gethsemane: Deep Dupe
  9. Redux: Little Vials of Proof
  10. Redux II: Remission
  11. The Red and the Black: Red Letter
  12. The Red and the Black: Resist or Serve
  13. The Red and the Black: Lil’ Cabin in Quebec
  1. The X Files Main Title (9th season)
  2. All Souls: Baptism
  3. All Souls: Four Faces
  4. S.R. 819: Orgell
  5. S.R. 819: Bill of Health
  6. Biogenesis: Map of the Genome
  7. Theef: Voodoo Doll
  8. Requiem: Déjà vu
  9. Requiem: Ray
  10. 4‐D: Pulling the Plug
  11. Existence: Something Feels Off
  12. Existence: Replicant Revolution
  13. Existence: Under Investigation
  14. DeadAlive: Deep Six
  15. DeadAlive: AliveAlive
  16. The X Files End Credits (1st season)
  17. I Made This / 20th Century Fox Fanfare (von Alfred Newman)

The X Files: The Event Series: Original Soundtrack From the Fox Television Series

  1. My Struggle: Prologue
  2. The X‐Files Main Title (season 9)
  3. My Struggle: Ride to Roswell
  4. My Struggle: Call to Mulder
  5. My Struggle: Sveta
  6. My Struggle: Sveta Exam
  7. My Struggle: Alien Replica Vehicle / Element 115
  8. My Struggle: Lab Labors
  9. My Struggle: Sveta’s Story
  10. My Struggle: Mulder’s Office
  11. My Struggle: Deep Throat
  12. My Struggle: Home Fire
  13. My Struggle: Conspiracy Montage
  14. My Struggle: Sveta Confesses
  15. My Struggle: Parking Garage
  16. My Struggle: Sveta Gets Zapped
  17. My Struggle: Smoking Man
  18. Founder’s Mutation: Insecure Insecurity
  19. Founder’s Mutation: Hand Message
  20. Founder’s Mutation: Pull the Thread / Semi‐Alien Boy
  21. Founder’s Mutation: Capsules
  22. Founder’s Mutation: Aquaiescent
  23. Founder’s Mutation: A Mother Never Forgets
  24. Founder’s Mutation: The Farm House / Catching Kyle
  25. Founder’s Mutation: The Real Molly
  26. Founder’s Mutation: Mulder’s Memories
  1. Home Again: City Shower Services
  2. Home Again: No Prints / The Call
  3. Home Again: Extubation
  4. Home Again: Remorse
  5. Home Again: Sub‐Urban
  6. Home Again: Tulku
  7. Home Again: More Remorse
  8. Babylon: Prayer
  9. Babylon: Einstein / Miller
  10. Babylon: Mugwump
  11. Babylon: Evacuation
  12. Babylon: Ummu
  13. Babylon: Motel
  14. Babylon: Walk With Me
  15. My Struggle II: Recap
  16. My Struggle II: Scully’s Story
  17. My Struggle II: Fed Ford / Alien American DNA
  18. My Struggle II: Vaccine Alienation / One‐Class Infection
  19. My Struggle II: Smokin’ God
  20. My Struggle II: The Spartan Virus
  21. My Struggle II: Crispr Cas9
  22. My Struggle II: William Is Out There
  23. The X‐Files End Credit (New Orbit)
  24. Mulder and Scully Meet The Were‐Monster: Suite

The X-Files Volume 4 (Soundtrack)

  1. 1X79 – PILOT - Night Forest
  2. 1X79 – PILOT - Forest Search
  3. 1X02 – DEEP THROAT - Mr. Deep Throat
  4. 1X04 – THE JERSEY DEVIL - The Search
  5. 1X04 – THE JERSEY DEVIL - Pursued And Destroyed
  6. 1X04 – THE JERSEY DEVIL - Detective Schmuck
  7. 1X05 – SHADOWS - Quotes From Ben/ATM
  8. 1X05 – SHADOWS - Red Light Montage
  9. 1X07 – ICE - Suicide
  10. 1X07 – ICE - Nancy Gets Wormed
  11. 1X19 – DARKNESS FALLS - Woke Up Hungry
  12. 1X19 – DARKNESS FALLS - Bug Tales
  13. 1X19 – DARKNESS FALLS - Buttoning Up
  14. 1X19 – DARKNESS FALLS - Not An Option
  15. 2X05 – DUANE BARRY - They’re Coming
  16. 2X05 – DUANE BARRY - Catalogued
  17. 2X06 – ASCENSION - Blue Ridge Parkway
  18. 2X06 – ASCENSION - Cable Car
  19. 2X06 – ASCENSION - Deny Everything
  20. 2X06 – ASCENSION - Blood On Paper/Ascension
  21. 2X09 – FIREWALKER - Origins
  22. 2X09 – FIREWALKER - Base Camp
  23. 2X19 – Død Kalm - Lifeboat
  24. 2X19 – Død Kalm - Ghost Ship
  25. 2X19 – Død Kalm - Sardine Juice
  26. 2X19 – Død Kalm - Wolf At The Door
  27. 2X19 – Død Kalm - Kalm
  1. 3X16 – APOCRYPHA - Tar Tissue
  2. 3X16 – APOCRYPHA - The X-Files Main Title
  3. 3X16 – APOCRYPHA - Sparklers
  4. 3X16 – APOCRYPHA - Trapped Assassin
  5. 3X16 – APOCRYPHA - Silo
  6. 3X16 – APOCRYPHA - Buried Alive
  7. 3X17 – PUSHER - Fairfax Mercy
  8. 3X17 – PUSHER - Little Man
  9. 3X21 – AVATAR - Hags Of The Night
  10. 3X21 – AVATAR - The Inquisition
  11. 3X21 – AVATAR - Room 1413
  12. 3X21 – AVATAR - Sharon Forever
  13. 4X12 – NEVER AGAIN - Raga Shave / Scully’s Tattoo
  14. 4X15 – MEMENTO MORI - Time Like A Heartbeat
  15. 4X15 – MEMENTO MORI - Lots Of Kurts
  16. 4X15 – MEMENTO MORI - Another Way
  1. 3X08 – OUBLIETTE - West Of Easton
  2. 3X08 – OUBLIETTE - Only Way To Escape
  3. 2X25 – ANASAZI - The Merchandise
  4. 3X24 – TALITHA CUMI - Lamp
  5. 4X24 – GETHSEMANE - Chimera Man
  6. 5X02 – REDUX II - ix It For Good
  7. 5X10 – CHINGA - Red Eye Super Saver
  8. 5X10 – CHINGA - Dolly Bake
  9. 5X11 – KILL SWITCH - Metro Diner
  10. 5X16 – MIND’S EYE - Shackles
  11. 5X16 – MIND’S EYE - Dark Visions
  12. THE X-FILES: FIGHT THE FUTURE - Smoking Telegram
  13. 6ABX03 – TRIANGLE - Thor’s Hammer
  14. 6ABX03 – TRIANGLE - Ghost Dance
  15. 6ABX03 – TRIANGLE - No Place Like Home
  16. 6ABX07 – THE RAIN KING - Dream Valentine
  17. 6ABX07 – THE RAIN KING - Red Chariot
  18. 6ABX07 – THE RAIN KING - Holman
  19. 6ABX09 – TITHONUS - Elevator
  20. 6ABX09 – TITHONUS - He
  21. 6ABX09 – TITHONUS - Death At The Door
  1. 6ABX19 – THREE OF A KIND - The Chase Of Love
  2. 4X18 – MAX - Submarinara
  3. 4X18 – MAX - Second Site
  4. 4X18 – MAX - Blisters
  5. 7ABX05 – RUSH - Honor Students
  6. 7ABX06 – ORISON - Glory Amen
  7. 7ABX06 – ORISON - Donny’s Dream Date
  8. 7ABX15 – EN AMI - Penitence
  9. 7ABX15 – EN AMI - Lonely Man
  10. 7ABX15 – EN AMI - Lil’ Gold Disc
  11. 8ABX06 – INVOCATION - All The Pretty Horses
  12. 8ABX06 – INVOCATION - Pony Prison
  13. 8ABX06 – INVOCATION - Bones
  14. 8ABX17 – EMPEDOCLES - Jeb Gets Fired
  15. 9ABX01 – Nothing Important Happened Today: Part 1 - Tape & Tank
  16. 9ABX01 – Nothing Important Happened Today: Part 1 - Waterworld
  17. 9ABX02 – Nothing Important Happened Today: Part 2 - Navy Message
  18. 9ABX02 – Nothing Important Happened Today: Part 2 - Recap/Mouth To Mouth
  19. 9ABX02 – Nothing Important Happened Today: Part 2 - Super Soldiers
  20. 9ABX02 – Nothing Important Happened Today: Part 2 - Ovahull
  21. 9ABX02 – Nothing Important Happened Today: Part 2 - King Kersh
  22. 8ABX14 – THIS IS NOT HAPPENING - The Drop Zone
  23. 9ABX08 – PER MANUM - Scully’s Serenade
  24. The X-Files End Credits (1st Season)
  25. I Made This / 20th Century Fox Fanfare


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