Leon “Chu” Berry Songtexte
In the Land of Yamo Yamo
Geboren am 13. September 1908, Gestorben am 30. Oktober 1941
Chu Berry and His “Little Jazz” Ensemble
Chu Berry and His Jazz Ensemble
Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores
Buck and His Band
The Cab Jivers
Cab Calloway and His Orchestra
Benny Carter and His Orchestra
The Chocolate Dandies
Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra
Teddy Hill and His Orchestra
Gene Krupa’s Swing Band
Spike Hughes and His Decca-Dents
Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra
Blowing Up a Breeze (Compilation)
- Firebird
- How Come You Do Me Like You Do?
- Stealin’ Apples (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Warmin’ Up (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Rhythm of the Tambourine (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Back in Your Own Backyard (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Sittin’ In
- Stardust
- 46 West 52nd
- Oh, Lady Be Good
- Sweethearts on Parade (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Shufflin’ at the Hollywood (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Pluckin’ the Bass (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Hot Mallets (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Ghost of a Chance (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Lonesome Nights (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Special Delivery (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Take the “A” Train (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Blowin’ Up a Breeze
- Monday at Minton’s
- On the Sunny Side of the Street
- Gee, Baby Ain’t I Good to You
Berry Story (Compilation)
- I Hope Gabriel Likes My Music (von Gene Krupa’s Swing Band)
- Now You’re Talking My Language
- Indiana
- Too Marvelous for Words (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Limehouse Blues (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Chuberry Jam (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Maelstrom (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- My Secrret Love Affair
- Ebb Tide (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Annie Laurie (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Loch Lomond (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- In the Land of Yamo Yamo (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Body and Soul
- Sittin’ In
- Stardust
- Forty Six West Fifty Two
- Downright Disgusted Blues (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Corrine Corrini (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Jumpy Nerves (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Casey Jones
- Sweethearts on Parade (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Shufflin’ at Hollywood
- Denisson Swing
- Wizzin’ the Wizz
Classic Chu Berry Columbia and Victor Sessions (Compilation)
- Blue Interlude (von The Chocolate Dandies)
- I Never Knew (alternate take) (von The Chocolate Dandies)
- I Never Knew (von The Chocolate Dandies)
- Once Upon A Time (von The Chocolate Dandies)
- Krazy Kapers (von The Chocolate Dandies)
- Do Your Duty
- I’m Down in the Dumps
- (Lookie, Lookie, Lookie) Here Comes Cookie (von Teddy Hill and His Orchestra)
- When the Robin Sings His Song Again (von Teddy Hill and His Orchestra)
- Rosetta (von Henry “Red” Allen and His Orchestra)
- I’ll Never Say “Never Again” Again (von Henry “Red” Allen and His Orchestra)
- Get Rhythm in Your Feet (von Henry “Red” Allen and His Orchestra)
- Chasing Shadows (von Putney Dandridge and His Orchestra)
- Chasing Shadows (von Putney Dandridge and His Orchestra)
- When I Grow Too Old to Dream (von Putney Dandridge and His Orchestra)
- I’d Love to Take Orders From You (von Mildred Bailey & Her Swing Band)
- I’d Rather Listen to Your Eyes (von Mildred Bailey & Her Swing Band)
- When Day Is Done (von Mildred Bailey & Her Swing Band)
- Twenty Four Hours a Day (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Yankee Doodle Never Went to Town (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Eeny Meeny Meiny Mo (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- I Hope Gabriel Likes My Music (von Gene Krupa’s Swing Band)
- Mutiny in the Parlor (von Gene Krupa’s Swing Band)
- I’m Gonna Clap My Hands (von Gene Krupa’s Swing Band)
- Swing Is Here (von Gene Krupa’s Swing Band)
- Christopher Columbus (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Grand Terrace Swing (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Blue Lou (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Stealin’ Apples (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Moonrise on the Lowlands (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- I’ll Always Be in Love With You (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Jangled Nerves (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Too Good to Be True (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Warmin’ Up (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Blues in C‐sharp minor (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Where There’s You There’s Me (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Do You or Don’t You Love Me (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Mary had a little lamb (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Shoe Shine Boy (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Sing, Sing, Sing (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Knock, Knock Who’s There? (alternate take) (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Knock, Knock Who’s There? (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Jim Town Blues (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- You Can Depend on Me (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Slummin’ on Park Avenue (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Slummin’ on Park Avenue (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Rhythm of the Tambourine (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Back in Your Own Backyard (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Rose Room (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Great Caesar’s Ghost (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Now You’re Talking My Language (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Back Home Again in Indiana (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Back Home Again in Indiana (alternate take) (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Too Marvelous for Words (alternate take) (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Too Marvelous for Words (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Limehouse Blues (alternate take) (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Limehouse Blues (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- All God’s Chillun Got Rhythm (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- Chris and His Gang (von Fletcher Henderson and His Orchestra)
- I’m Always in the Mood for You (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- She’s Tall, She’s Tan, She’s Terrific (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Go South, Young Man (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Mama, I Want to Make Rhythm (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Queen Isabella (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Savage Rhythm (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Chuberry Jam (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Maelstrom (alternate take) (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Maelstrom (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- My Secret Love Affair (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Ebb Tide (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- A Minor Breakdown (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- A Minor Breakdown (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Bugle Blues (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- My First Impression of You (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- With a Smile and a Song (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- With a Smile and a Song (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- When You’re Smiling (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- I Can’t Believe That You’re in Love With Me (von Teddy Wilson and His Orchestra)
- Thanks for the Memory (alternate take) (von Mildred Bailey & Her Orchestra)
- Thanks for the Memory (von Mildred Bailey & Her Orchestra)
- Lover Come Back to Me (alternate take) (von Mildred Bailey & Her Orchestra)
- Lover Come Back to Me (von Mildred Bailey & Her Orchestra)
- Annie Laurie (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Loch Lomond (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- My Mariuccia Take a Steamboat (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- In the Land of Yamo Yamo (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Rustle of Swing (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Rustle of Swing (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Three Swings and Out (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- I Like Music (With a Swing Like That) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Penguin Swing (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Peck‐a‐Doodle‐Do (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- At the Clambake Carnival (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Hoy‐Hoy (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Miss Hallelujah Brown (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Shout, Shout, Shout (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Jive (Page “1” of the Hepster’s Dictionary) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Do You Wanna Jump, Children? (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Blue Interlude (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- FDR Jones (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- That’s All I Ask of You (alternate take) (von Billie Holiday and Her Orchestra)
- That’s All I Ask of You (von Billie Holiday and Her Orchestra)
- Floogie Walk (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- I Can Give You Love (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- High Society (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Johnny Get Your Horn (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Sweethearts on Parade (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Shufflin’ at the Hollywood (alternate take) (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Shufflin’ at the Hollywood (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Denison Swing (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Wizzin’ the Wizz (alternate take) (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Wizzin’ the Wizz (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Downright Disgusted Blues (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Corrine Corrini (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- I’m a Real Kinda Papa (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Jumpy Nerves (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Boogie Woogie (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Ain’t Cha Comin’ Home? (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- Royal Garden Blues (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- In the Barrel (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Farewell Blues (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Fare Thee, My Baby, Fare‐Thee‐Well (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Limehouse Blues (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Trylon Swing (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Utt‐Da‐Zay (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Crescendo in Drums
- The Jumpin’ Jive (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Pluckin’ the Bass (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Pluckin’ the Bass (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- I Ain’t Getting Nowhere Fast (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Blue Lou (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- When the Saints Go Marching In (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- My Honey’s Lovin’ Arms (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- When My Sugar Walks Down the Street (von Wingy Manone and His Orchestra)
- Hot Mallets (von Lionel Hampton and His Orchestra)
- A Bee Gezindt (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Give, Baby, Give (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Do It Again (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Calling All Bars (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Calling All Bars (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Do I Care? No, No (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Do I Care? No, No (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- The Lone Arranger (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- The Lone Arranger (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Hard Times (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Who’s Yehoodi? (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Who’s Yehoodi? (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Come On With the “Come On” (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- A Ghost of a Chance (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- A Ghost of a Chance (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Bye Bye Blues (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Bye Bye Blues (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Papa’s in the Bed With His Britches On (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Papa’s in the Bed With His Britches On (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Papa’s in the Bed With His Britches On (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Boo‐Wah Boo‐Wah (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Boo‐Wah Boo‐Wah (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Cupid’s Nightmare (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Are You Hep to the Jive? (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Hot Air (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Lonesome Nights (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Lonesome Nights (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- A Chicken Ain’t Nothin’ But a Bird (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- A Chicken Ain’t Nothin’ But a Bird (Breakdown) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- A Chicken Ain’t Nothin’ But a Bird (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- The Workers’ Train (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- The Worker’s Train (Breakdown) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Run, Little Rabbit (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Run, Little Rabbit (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Are You All Reet? (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Are You All Reet? (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Special Delivery (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Special Delivery (alternate take) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Special Delivery (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Take the “A” Train (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- Hey Doc! (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
- My Coo‐Coo Bird (Could Swing) (von Cab Calloway and His Orchestra)
The Chronological Classics: Chu Berry 1937-1941 (Compilation)
- Now You're Talking My Language (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Indiana (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Too Marvelous for Words (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Limehouse Blues (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Chuberry Jam (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Maelstrom (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- My Secret Love Affair (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Ebb Tide (von Chu Berry and His Stompy Stevedores)
- Sittin' In (von Chu Berry and His “Little Jazz” Ensemble)
- Stardust (von Chu Berry and His “Little Jazz” Ensemble)
- Body and Soul (von Chu Berry and His “Little Jazz” Ensemble)
- Forty-Six West Fifty-Two (von Chu Berry and His “Little Jazz” Ensemble)
- Blowing Up a Breeze (von Chu Berry and His Jazz Ensemble)
- On the Sunny Side of the Street (von Chu Berry and His Jazz Ensemble)
- Monday at Minton's (What's It to You?) (von Chu Berry and His Jazz Ensemble)
- Gee, Ain't I Good to You? (von Chu Berry and His Jazz Ensemble)
- Dream Girl, Part 1
- Dream Girl, Part 2
- Get Lost, Part 1
- Get Lost, Part 2
Mehr Songtexte

- Lonesome Nights
- All God's Chillun Got Rhythm
- Queen Isabella
- Shufflin' at the Hollywood
- Twenty Four Hours a Day
- I Can't Believe That You're in Love With Me
- Too Marvelous for Words
- A Ghost of a Chance
- Cupid's Nightmare
- Do I Care? No, No
- Jumpy Nerves
- When the Saints Go Marching In
- I'd Love to Take Orders From You
- Grand Terrace Swing
- When I Grow Too Old to Dream
- Stealin' Apples
- Give, Baby, Give
- A Chicken Ain't Nothin' but a Bird
- My Honey's Lovin' Arms
- A Minor Breakdown
- The Workers' Train
- Who's Yehoodi?
- Warmin' Up
- My Coo-Coo Bird (Could Swing)
- She's Tall, She's Tan, She's Terrific
- I Never Knew
- Once Upon a Time
- Do You Wanna Jump, Children?
- Bye Bye Blues
- That's All I Ask of You
- In the Barrel
- (Lookie, Lookie, Lookie) Here Comes Cookie
- Hot Mallets
- Come on With the "Come On"
- Boogie Woogie
- Lover Come Back to Me
- Calling All Bars
- Knock, Knock Who's There?
- Pluckin' the Bass
- Special Delivery
- Mutiny in the Parlor
- I'd Rather Listen to Your Eyes
- Wizzin' the Wizz
- When Day Is Done
- When the Robin Sings His Song Again
- Do I Care? No No
- Christopher Columbus
- You Can Depend on Me
- Rustle of Swing
- Do You or Don't You Love Me
- Shout, Shout, Shout
- Sing, Sing, Sing
- Where There's You There's Me
- Corrine Corrini
- I Can Give You Love
- Great Caesar's Ghost
- Hey Doc!
- The Jumpin' Jive
- Utt-Da-Zay
- Maelstrom
- Get Rhythm in Your Feet
- Boo-Wah Boo-Wah
- Krazy Kapers
- Hot Air
- The Lone Arranger
- A Bee Gezindt
- Loch Lomond
- Jive (Page "1" of the Hepster's Dictionary)
- Moonrise on the Lowlands
- Take the "A" Train
- When My Sugar Walks Down the Street
- Thanks for the Memory
- Miss Hallelujah Brown
- Eeny Meeny Meiny Mo
- My First Impression of You
- Sweethearts on Parade
- Trylon Swing
- Forty-Six West Fifty-Two
- Downright Disgusted Blues
- My Mariuccia Take a Steamboat
- Back in Your Own Backyard
- Fare Thee, My Baby, Fare-Thee-Well
- I'm Down in the Dumps
- Blues in C Sharp Minor
- I'll Always Be in Love With You
- Yankee Doodle Never Went to Town
- Hoy-Hoy
- Shoe Shine Boy
- My Secret Love Affair
- I'm Gonna Clap My Hands
- Go South, Young Man
- Jangled Nerves
- Run Little Rabbit
- Ebb Tide
- I Ain't Getting Nowhere Fast
- When You're Smiling
- Johnny Get Your Horn
- Back Home Again in Indiana
- FDR Jones
- Blue Interlude
- Mama, I Want to Make Rhythm
- Are You Hep to the Jive?
- Denison Swing
- Swing Is Here
- Chasing Shadows
- I Like Music (With a Swing Like That)
- Now You're Talking My Language
- Too Good to Be True
- Rhythm of the Tambourine
- Three Swings and Out
- Farewell Blues
- Blue Lou
- I'll Never Say "Never Again" Again
- Do It Again
- Floogie Walk
- Sittin' in
- Annie Laurie
- At the Clambake Carnival
- Jim Town Blues
- Papa's in the Bed With His Britches On
- I'm Always in the Mood for You
- Rosetta
- Mary Had a Little Lamb
- Run, Little Rabbit
- Slummin' on Park Avenue
- I Hope Gabriel Likes My Music
- Bugle Blues
- The Worker's Train (breakdown)
- Chris and His Gang
- I'm a Real Kinda Papa
- With a Smile and a Song
- Savage Rhythm
- High Society
- Limehouse Blues
- Rose Room
- Royal Garden Blues
- Are You All Reet?
- Penguin Swing
- Hard Times
- A Chicken Ain't Nothin' but a Bird (breakdown)
- Peck-A-Doodle-Do
- Ain't Cha Comin' Home?
- In the Land of Yamo Yamo
- Chuberry Jam
- Shufflin' At Hollywood
- Monday at Minton's
- Ghost of a Chance
- Gee, Baby Ain't I Good to You
- Blowin' Up a Breeze
- Who’s Yehoodi?
- Papa’s in Bed With His Britches On
- Shufflin’ at the Hollywood
- Stealin’ Apples
- Warmin’ Up