Jorge Reyes Songtexte
"Mater eterna"
Geboren am 24. September 1952, Gestorben am 07. Februar 2009
Prehispanic Music (Compilation)
"A" Prehispanic
- Web of Dreams
- Sazilakab
- The People With Painted Face
- On the Way to Tlalocan
- Stone Music
- Dance
- The New Fire
- The Nine Directions
- Journey to Mictlan
- Wood Music
- The Flight of the Bird Children
"B" Rituals
- Tonami (The Singer)
- Obsidian Butterfly
- Suddenly We Were Out of the Dream
- Dance of the Red Tezcatlipoca
- Omeyotl (The Dual Essence)
- Smoking Mirror, the Lord of Duality
- Seven Serpent
- Feast in the Mountain