Joe Gibbs Songtexte
Pan-Ya Machete
Geboren am 14. Oktober 1942, Gestorben am 21. Februar 2008
Joe Gibbs Productions: Roots Culture DJ's and the Birth of Dancehall (Compilation)
- Fist to Fist Rub a Dub (von Nigger Kojak & Liza)
- See Them A Come (von Culture)
- Kingston Two Rock (von Trinity)
- Cool Out Son (von Junior Murvin)
- Chapter 3 (von Joe Gibbs & The Professionals)
- Standardization (von Joe Tex & U Black)
- Identity (von The Mighty Diamonds)
- Massive Fire (von Joe Gibbs & The Professionals)
- Down Town Thing (von Althea Forrest)
- Two Sevens Class (von Culture)
- Three Piece Suit (von Trinity)
- Rub-A-Dub Evening (von Joe Tex & U Black)
- Hully Gully Rock (von The Mighty Two)
- No Peace (von Shorty the President)
- I'm Coming Home (von Dennis Brown)
- Starsky and Hutch (von Trinity)
- Stonewall Jackson (von Joe Gibbs & The Professionals)
- Dreader Mafia (von Snuffy & Wally)
- Million Dollar Plan (von Bigger T)