Sylva Borealis (Soundtrack)
- L echange de l amelanche scenes de l etang
- La grenouille sous la pluie
- La mesange s abreuve
- Ouverture
- La mere nourrit ses petits
- La chasse
- Generique fin
- Generique debut scenes d arctique
- Romance
- Fiancailles
- Jeux
- Triste heder
- Oiseaux a la mangeoire au ralenti
- Ouverture et berceuse
- Le verglas
- Le Depart des Bernaches
- Le petit duc
- Pleine Lune
- La Berceuse des Orignaux
- Chablis et Finale
- Fantaisie sur l Hymne a la Joie
- Hymne a Sylva deesse de la foret
Mehr Songtexte
- Calling Over Tension to Chopinesque
- Meditative (piano)
- Flurries of Ivory and Violin Bows
- Meditative Piano
- Hymn to the Forest Goddess
- Flowing Brooks
- Love Tango Melody
- Powerful Gipsy Arrival
- Tension in the Quietness of Nature
- Melancholy Piano
- Crescendo Romance
- Full Moon
- Opening Titles and Arctic Scenes
- Revival in Springtime
- Flying to the Stars
- Melancholy (piano)
- Accelerating Springtime Dance
- Hypnotic Lullaby
- 3D Panic
- From Waterdrops to Ravelish
- Flying Away
- Sorrowful
- Touching to Bluesy Clarinet
- Reindeer Walking on Snow
- Gypsy Retrograde Canon
- The Moose Lullaby
- Happy Games
- Storm and Finale
- Stable and Warm Winds
- Follow the Trail
- Departure of the Geese
- Contemporary (intro)
- The Calling of the Loon
- Black Ice
- Contemporary Intro
- Life of a Butterfly
- Loonlight Sonata
- Majestic Snowy Owl
- Sonate for a Loon
- Last Cry From Mother Nature
- Grand Opening and Lullaby