Jack Teagarden Songtexte
Fare Thee Well to Harlem
Davenport Blues
Geboren am 20. August 1905, Gestorben am 15. Januar 1964
Louis Armstrong & His All-Stars
Louis Armstrong & His Orchestra
The Blues Band
Buck and His Band
Eddie Condon and His Orchestra
Adrian Rollini and His Orchestra
Jack Teagarden and His Orchestra
Jack Teagarden’s Big Eight
Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra
Basin Street Blues (Compilation)
- She's A Great Girl
- Buy, Buy For My Baby
- I Couldn't If I Wanted To
- Makin' Friends
- Sentimental Baby
- Futuristic Rhythm
- That's a Serious Thing
- Louise
- My Kinda Love
- Knockin' a Jug
- Dirty Dog
- Sweetheart, We Need Each Other
- Tailspin Blues
- From Now On
- Ridin' But Walkin'
- Loved One
- Basin Street Blues
- That's What I Like About You
- Two Tickets to Georgia
- Texas Tea Party
- A Hundred Years From Today
- Down in the Dumps
- Stars Fell on Alabama
- Nobody's Sweetheart Now
- Ain't Misbehavin'
- At The Darktown Strutter's Ball
- Every Now And Then
- Barrelhouse Music
- Serenade to a Shylock
- Jack Hits the Road
- St. James Infirmary
- The World Is Waiting For The Sunrise
- The Big Eight Blues
- Shine
- Casanova's Lament
- Mighty Lak' A Rose
- Stars Fell on Alabama
- 'Deed I Do
- Clambake in B Flat
- In My Solitude
- I'm Sorry I Made You Cry
- Basin Street Blues
- Back O'Town
- Basin After Hours
- A Jam Session at Victor
- Say It Simple
- St. Louis Blues
- Rockin' Chair
- Jack-Armstrong Blues
- Fifty-Fifty Blues
- Some Day (You'll Be Sorry)
- Before Long
- Lovely Weather We're Having
- Please Stop Playing Those Blues
- A Song Was Born
- Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans?
- St. James Infirmary
- When Your Lover Has Gone
- Aunt Hagar's Blues
- Stars Fall On Alabama
- Lover
- Baby, Won't You Please Come Home?
- My Bucket's Got A Hole In It
- 12th Street Rag
- That's For Me
- Panama
- Bugle Call Rag
- I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues
- Original Dixieland One Step
- Riverboat Shuffle
- Mis'Ry and the Blues
- Milenberg Joys
- Meet Me Where They Play the Blues
- Davenport Blues
- Blue Funk
- Music To Love By
- King Porter Stomp
Big 'T' (Compilation)
From Now On
- She's a Great, Great Girl
- Buy, Buy for Baby (Or Baby Will 'Bye Bye' You)
- Makin' Friends
- Futuristic Rhythm
- I'm Gonna Stomp, Mr. Henry Lee
- That's a Serious Thing
- Knockin' a Jug
- My Kinda Love (One Way To Paradise)
- (Back Home Again In) Indiana
- Dinah
- On the Alamo
- Basin Street Blues
- Tailspin Blues
- From Now On
- Lookin' Good but Feelin' Bad
- Dancing With Tears in My Eyes
- Deep Harlem
- Son of the Sun
- Loveless Love
- Sweet & Hot
- (I'll Be Glad When You're Dead) You Rascal, You
- Beale Street Blues
- After You've Gone
- Farewell Blues
- Someday, Sweetheart
Jack Hits the Road
- Dr. Heckle and Mr. Jibe
- Love Me
- A Hundred Years From Today
- Riffin' the Scotch
- Fare-Thee-Well to Harlem
- Davenport Blues
- Ani't Misbehavin'
- Announcer's Blues
- 'S Wonderful
- Embraceable You
- Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland
- Diane
- Serenade to a Shylock
- The Blues
- Muddy River Blues
- Beale Street Blues
- Swingin' on the Teagarden Gate
- Jack Hits the Road
- Prince of Wails
- Big Eight Blues
- S-H-I-N-E
- The Waiter & the Porter & the Upstairs Maid
- The Birth of the Blues
Rockin' Chair
- Harlem Jump
- Salt on the Devil's Tail
- Clambake in B Flat
- Casanova's Lament
- Solitude
- Stars Fell on Alabama
- 'Deed I Do
- East of the Sun (And West Of The Moon)
- Chinatown, My Chinatown
- Big T Blues
- Pitchin' a Bit Short
- When Your Lover Has Gone
- Wherever There's Love
- Impromptu Ensemble No.1
- The Sheik of Araby
- St. Loius Blues
- Blues After Hours
- Jam Session at Victor
- Say It Simple
- Ain't Misbehavin'
- Rockin' Chair
- Pennies From Heaven
Gotta Right to Sing the Blues
- Save It, Pretty Mama
- St. James Infirmary
- Jack-Armstrong Blues
- Some Day (You'll Be Sorry)
- Fifty-Fifty Blues
- Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen
- Aunt Hagar's Blues
- Down Among the Sheltering Palms
- Please, Stop Playing Those Blues
- (What Did I Do to Be So) Black & Blue?
- Royal Garden Blues
- Lover
- Stars Fell on Alabama
- Mahogany Hall Stomp
- High Society
- Baby, Won't You Please Come Home?
- Way Down Yonder in New Orleans
- That's A-Plenty
- Stardust
- I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues
- Love Me
- Body and Soul
I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues (Compilation)
- That's a Serious Thing
- I'm Gonna Stomp Mr. Henry Lee
- Dinah
- Never Had a Reason to Believe in You
- Tailspin Blues
- Dancing With Tears in My Eyes
- Sheik of Araby
- Basin Street Blues
- Beale Street Blues
- You Rascal You
- Two Tickets to Georgia
- I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues
- Ain't Cha Glad
- Texas Tea Party
- A Hundred Years From Now
- Fare-Thee-Well to Harlem
- Christmas Night in Harlem
- Davenport Blues
I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues (Compilation)
- Baby, Won't You Please Come Home?
- My Bucket's Got A Hole In It
- 12th Street Rag
- That's For Me
- Panama
- Bugle Call Rag
- I Gotta Right to Sing the Blues
- Original Dixieland One Step
- Riverboat Shuffle
- Mis'Ry and the Blues
- Milenburg Joys
- Meet Me Where They Play the Blues
- Davenport Blues
- Blue Funk
- Music To Love By
- King Porter Stomp