Terrör of the Üniverse
- Terrör of the Üniverse (Intro)
- Kingdom of the Laser Dwarves
- Marauder Joe's Adventures in Space
- Toxic Avenger vs. Marshmallow Man
- The Loneliness of the Turbo Racer
- High-Gloss Üniverse
- Leather Queen of the Amazons
- Flight of the Astro Kitten
- Vohaul's Funhouse
- Cosmo Speedrun
- Starfighter Romance
- Lament for My Eta Carinae
Mehr Songtexte
- The Computer Chronicles Mix
- Special Valerie Mix
- Risk Risk Mix
- Requiem For Hyboid
- Encounter At Vorticon 6
- Morphium
- Space Haze
- Crush
- 23rd Century Nosferatu
- Saucerian
- Trip To NGC891
- Madhouse In Space Pt. I
- Madhouse In Space Pt. II
- Attack Of The Bloogs
- Multiple Personality Disorder
- Rubber Cell Disco
- Où Est Klaus Nomi?
- Orgontherapie
- Dr. Dabic's Pain Amplifier