As I Carelessly Did Stray…
- The Walls of Liscarrol / The Castlebar Races (jigs)
- The Ballroom Favoutite #2 / The Bell of the Ball (barndances)
- The Tinker's Stick / Within a Mile of Dublin (reels)
- Colonel Roger's Favoutite / Johnny Henry's (reels)
- Jim Coleman's / Spellan's Fiddle (hornpipes)
- The Lilies in the Field / The Gatehouse Maid (reels)
- The Kinnegad Slashers / An Port Ard (jigs)
- The Pretty Girl Milking her Cow (song air)
- Paddy Mill's / The Lady on the Island (reels)
- The Shaskeen / Bonnie Kate (reels)
- The Ash Grove (song air)
- The Old Maids of Galway / My Mary Anne (reels)
- My Love is but a Lassie / Bonaparte Crossing the Rhine (polka / march)
- Highland / Captan Kelly's (highland / reels)
- The Lady of the House / The Tailor's Thimble (reels)
Bad Turns and Horse-shoe Bends
- Davy Maguire's / Gary Hastings'
- Farewell to Gurteen / Gan Ainm
- Miss Thornton's / The Primrose Lassies
- The Merrymakers Club / The Acrobat
- Belfast March / The Lilted March
- John Joe Gardiner's / The Tenpenny Bit
- Seamus Quinn's / Peter Parson's
- The Blue Hills of Antrim
- Sligo Reel / The Boy on the Mountain Top
- Francie Mooney's / I'm A Little Dutch Girl
- Tommy Gunn's / Dermie Diamond's
- McKenna's / The Horse-shoe Bend
- Sliabh Geal gCua
- Lovely Molly / The Boys of Portaferry
- The Bad Turn / Parson's
The First of May
- Ah, Surely!/ The Flowers Of Red Hill (reels)
- The Gallant Boys Of Tipperary/ The Whinny Hills Of Leitrim (jig & slip jig)
- The First House In Connaught/ The Ravelled Hank Of Yarn (reels)
- The Dancer At The Fair/ Fisher’s (hornpipes)
- Happy To Meet, Sorry To Part/ The Rakes Of Kildare (jigs)
- John Egan’s/ Tommy Reck’s (polkas)
- The Hare’s Paw/ Mama’s Pet (reels)
- Donegal German/ Charlie O’Neill’s (germans)
- Jackie Coleman’s Number 2/ Jim Coleman’s (reels)
- The Boys Of The Town/ Quinn’s (jigs)
- The Humours Of Ballyconnell/ The Chicago (reels)
- The Kerry/ Untitled (single jigs)
- The Laurel Bush/ The Master’s Return (reels)
- The First Of May/ The Wren’s (hornpipes)
Mehr Songtexte
- Davy Maguire's/Gary Hastings'
- Farewell to Gurteen/Gan Ainm
- Miss Thornton's/The Primrose Lassies
- The Merrymakers Club/The Acrobat
- Belfast March/The Lilted March
- John Joe Gardiner's/The Tenpenny Bit
- Seamus Quinn's/Peter Parson's
- Sligo Reel/The Boy on the Mountain Top
- Francie Mooney's/I'm A Little Dutch Girl
- Tommy Gunn's/Dermie Diamond's
- McKenna's/The Horse-shoe Bend
- Lovely Molly/The Boys of Portaferry
- The Bad Turn/Parson's