
Geboren am 17. Dezember 1952



Mehr Songtexte

  1. The Inter-Galactic Cruise
  2. I'll Find My Way Home
  3. L'Opera Sauvage
  4. Eric's Theme
  5. Theme From "Le Grand Bleu"
  6. Apocalypse des animaux
  7. Theme From "Antarctica"
  8. Axel F
  9. Crockett's Theme
  10. Fourth Rendez-Vous
  11. Chase (Theme from "Midnight Express")
  12. Tubular Bells (Theme from "The Exorcist")
  13. Friends of Mr. Cairo
  14. Industrial Revolution (Part I)
  15. Main Theme from "Missing"
  16. Deliverance from "Antarctica"
  17. Rainman
  18. Santa Claus Is Coming to Town (Gillespie/Coots)
  19. Jingle Bells (Traditional)
  20. The Conquest Of Paradise (Thème du film "1492 Christophe Colomb")
  21. Little Drummer Boy (Traditional)
  22. O Little Town of Betlehem (Traditional)
  23. Apocalypse Nom (Chevauchée des Walkyries)
  24. Atlantis (Thème "La Création")
  25. Antartica (Vangelis)
  26. The Ministry of Love, Including Room 101
  27. Second Rendez Vous
  28. American Gigolo (Night Drive)
  29. L'Exorciste
  30. Lunatic
  31. Croisière intergalactique : Moments in Love
  32. To the unknown man (Vangelis)
  33. Croisière intergalactique : Autobahn
  34. Chase
  35. Sadness (Enigma)
  36. Sleigh Ride (Anderson)
  37. Awakening of Earth
  38. Laura Palmer's Theme
  39. The First Noél (Traditional)
  40. Midnight express (Chase)
  41. L'Apocalypse des animaux
  42. Missing (Theme Principal)²
  43. It Came Upon a Midnight Clear (Traditional)
  44. Auld Lang Syne (Traditional)
  45. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas (Martin/Blane)
  46. L'epouvante Surgit
  47. Souvenir de chine (Jean Michel Jarre)
  48. Heaven & Hearth
  49. Big Green Espace (Generique "7 sur 7")
  50. Christmas Tree (Traditional)
  51. Pulstar (Vangelis)
  52. Quatrième Rendez-Vous
  53. It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas (Wilson)
  54. Space Opera (Part 1)
  55. La Déchirure (Killing Fields)
  56. Equinoxe (partie 4) (Jean Michel Jarre)
  57. Nikita (Learning time) (Eric Serra)
  58. Winter Wonderland (Barnhard/Smith)
  59. Minitrue
  60. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Connor)
  61. The Holly & The Ivy (Traditional)
  62. I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas (Berlin)
  63. O Holy Night (Traditional)
  64. Crystalline
  65. Adagio (Albinoni)
  66. The Christmas Song (Tormé/Wells)
  67. Persuaders (Generique "Amicalement Votre")
  68. Revolution Industrielle (Part 1)
  69. Chariots De Feu
  70. The Theory and Practice of Oligarchial Collectivism
  71. Zoolookologie (Jean Michel Jarre)
  72. Forbidden Colors
  73. Hark! The Herald Angels Sings (Mendelssohn)
  74. Nikita (Learning Theme)
  75. The Friends of Mr Cairo
  76. Pour Élise
  77. Magic fly (Ecama alias Space)
  78. Two and Two Makes Five
  79. Silent Night (Traditional)
  80. Aida "Marche triomphale"
  81. Atlantis the Creation
  82. Big Green Espace
  83. P. Machinery
  84. Antarctica Echos
  85. Persuaders
  86. Rainman Théme
  87. Trans - Europe Express
  88. Équinoxe, Partie 4
  89. Nikita (Learning Time)
  90. Le bolero
  91. Theme From Mission Impossible
  92. Tubular Bells 2
  93. Jurassic Park
  94. Laura Palmer's Theme (from “Twin Peaks”)
  95. Basic Instinct
  96. 1492: Conquest of Paradise
  97. Rain Man
  98. Équinoxe (partie 5)
  99. Axel F.
  100. Midnight Express (thème)
  101. Champs Magnétiques (partie 2)
  102. 4ème rendez-vous
  103. Antarctica (thème)
  104. To the Unkown Man
  105. Miami Vice (thème)
  106. Chase (theme from Midnight Express)
  107. Theme From "Rainman"
  108. Opéra Sauvage (L'Enfant)
  109. Le Grand Bleu (Overture)
  110. L'apocalypse des animaux (La petite fille de la mer)
  111. Croisière Intergalactique
  112. Melissa (From 'Bilitis')
  113. Theme From "Alien"
  114. Pour quelques dollars de plus (L'Adieu au colonel)
  115. Antarctica Echoes (From the Movie "Antarctica")
  116. It's a Sin
  117. Harlem Nocturne (Mike Hammer)
  118. King Tut
  119. I Just Can't Stop Loving You
  120. Only Love (Mistral's Daughter)
  121. West Across the Ocean
  122. Trans-Europe Express
  123. Don't You Want Me
  124. The War of the Worlds: Forever Autumn
  125. Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra
  126. Harlem Nocturne (from Mike Hammer)
  127. Peer Gynt: In the Hall of the Mountain King
  128. Theme From 'Le Grand Blue'
  129. Equinox Part 4
  130. Synsation ZERO
  131. I Like Chopin
  132. West Across the Ocean Sea (From the Movie "1492")
  133. Twin Peaks Theme
  134. C'est le vent, Betty
  135. Croisière intergalactique : Miami Vice (thème)
  136. Rêve d'amour
  137. I Won't Let You Down
  138. Theme From 'Rain Man'
  139. Sniper (From "Full Metal Jacket")
  140. Deliverance From 'Antarctica'
  141. Rain Man: Theme
  142. Going Home (Local Hero)
  143. Bitter Moon (Main Theme)
  144. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
  145. Eve of the War
  146. Atlantis (Theme: La Création)
  147. Synsation One
  148. Tubular Bells (theme from 'The Excorcist')
  149. The War of the Worlds: The Eve of the War
  150. L'Arlesienne ( Suite no.1 )
  151. Miami Vice (main theme)
  152. Tubbs and Valerie (From "Miami Vice")
  153. State of Indepence
  154. Angela (Taxi)
  155. The Field of Mr. Cairo
  156. Peter Gunn
  157. P-Machinery
  158. L'Alésienne (Suite n°1)
  159. Can Can
  160. Dervish-D
  161. Oxygène 10
  162. Theme From 'Twin Peaks'
  163. Dervish "D"
  164. Rambo (First Blood, Part 2)
  165. Kokomo (From "Cocktail")
  166. St. Elmo's Fire Love Theme
  167. Dervish D
  168. Calypso (Part 1)
  169. The Chase (Theme From Midnight Express)
  170. Nothing's Gonna Stop Me Now
  171. Fourth Rendez-Vouz
  172. In the Hall of the Mountian King
  173. Liebenstraum
  174. Inter-Synthellite
  175. Carmen: March of Toreadors
  176. Theme From "Frantic"
  177. Croisière intergalactique : Midnight Express (thème)
  178. Allegro Barbaro
  179. Axel F (Beverly Hills Cop)
  180. Golliwogg's Cakewalk
  181. Firebird
  182. State of Independance
  183. P - Machinery
  184. Guillaume Tell "Ouverture"
  185. Theme From the 'X-Files'
  186. Nikita - Learning Time
  187. Main Theme From 'Missing'
  188. Blue Monday '88
  189. L'Opera Savage
  190. Mr. Lady-Killer
  191. Rhapsodie in Blue
  192. Say I'm Your Number One
  193. Crockett's Theme From "Miami Vice"
  194. Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate of Kiev
  195. Croisière intergalactique : Chariots de feu
  196. Croisière intergalactique : Oxygène
  197. Aragonaise
  198. Don't Go
  199. Oxygene Part 2
  200. Equinoxe 4
  201. Theme From 'Antartica'
  202. Theme From the X Files
  203. Theme from Antartica
  204. Cavatina (The Deer Hunter)
  205. La Puerta del Vino
  206. Feria "Rapsodie Espagnole"
  207. Carnival of the Animals: Fossils
  208. Chase (Theme From 'Midnight Express')
  209. Miami Vice - Main Theme
  210. Der Profi
  211. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
  212. Theme from "Reilly"
  213. Sentinel (Tubular Bells, Part 2)
  214. Addioa cheyenne
  215. Family Ties ("Without Us")
  216. The Return of the Jedi
  217. Star Trek: The Next Generation
  218. It's Not Unusual
  219. Star Trek: The Motion Picture
  220. She's Leaving Home
  221. When I'm Sixty-Four
  222. Miami Vice - Tubbs & Valerie
  223. High Noon
  224. Only Love (from the series "Mistral's daughter")
  225. Crocketts Theme
  226. I'm Fixing a Hole
  227. Batdance (Batman)
  228. Angela (from the TV series "Taxi")
  229. Wand'rin Star
  230. The Good, the Bad & The Ugly
  231. Flash
  232. Harlem Nocture - Theme From Mike Hammer
  233. The Eve of the War (War of the Worlds)
  234. Für eine handvoll Dollar
  235. You've Got the Hide Your Love Away
  236. Für eine handvoll Dollar mehr
  237. Axel F (from the film "Beverly Hills Cop")
  238. Alien
  239. Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
  240. Hang 'm High
  241. The Magnificient Seven
  242. Rambo, First Blood Part 2
  243. Yoda's Theme (The Empire Strikes Back)
  244. Carson's Law Theme
  245. Cavatina (from the film "The Deer Hunter")
  246. Star Trek TV Themes
  247. Mistral's Daughter
  248. A Fistfull Of Dynamite
  249. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  250. Going Home (from the film "Local Hero")
  251. Harlem Nocturne (from the TV series "Mike Hammer")
  252. The Search of Pan
  253. The Flowers of Wisdom
  254. Echo of the Green Forest
  255. Whispering Bamboo Winds
  256. Biltis
  257. Equinoxe (partie 4)
  258. L'opéra sauvage (l'enfant)
  259. Croisère intergalactique
  260. White Christmas
  261. A Fistfull Of Dollars
  262. Hark the Herald Angels Sing
  263. Rambo (From First Blood, Part 2)
  264. I'm Not in Love
  265. When a Child Is Born
  266. Ballad of the Alamo (From the Alamo)
  267. Going Home
  268. Joy to the World
  269. Silent Night
  270. The First Noël
  271. Mary's Boychild
  272. Gloria in Excelsis Deo
  273. Wand'rin Star (From Paint Your Wagon)
  274. Adeste Fideles
  275. What Child Is This
  276. I'll Be Home for Christmas
  277. I Have a Dream
  278. Hang 'em High
  279. Axel F (From Beverly Hills Cop)
  280. Once Upon a Time in the West: The Man With the Harmonica
  281. Once Upon a Time in America: Cockeye’s Song
  282. Once Upon a Time in America: Main Theme
  283. Il était une fois la révolution
  284. Alibi: La libertad
  285. Le Professionnel - Chi Mai
  286. L’Arlesienne ( Suite no.1 )
  287. Cockeye's Song
  288. Cavatina
  289. Opéra Sauvage (L’Enfant)
  290. Harlem Nocturne (From 'Mike Hammer')
  291. Without Us (Theme from 'Family Ties')
  292. Thank You for Being a Friend (From 'The Golden Girls')
  293. With a Little Help from My Friends (From 'The Wonder Years')
  294. Where Everybody Knows Your Name (Theme from 'Cheers')
  295. Love and Marriage (Tune from 'Married with Children')
  296. Deliverance From “Antarctica”
  297. Synsation "Zero"
  298. Synsation "One"
  299. Atlantis (Thème “La Création”)
  300. L’Exorciste
  301. Apocalypse Now (Chevauchée des Walkyries)
  302. Bladerunner
  303. Chariots de feu (thème)
  304. Them from "Midnight Express"
  305. Theme from "The Bodyguard"
  306. Champs magnétiques, Part 2
  307. Concerto d'Aranjuez
  308. Bilitis (Theme)
  309. C'est le vent
  310. 4e rendez-vous
  311. The Friend of Mr. Cairo
  312. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
  313. Cavatina (from the film “The Deer Hunter”)
  314. L'Arlésienne (Suite n°1)
  315. Caravansary
  316. Antarctica “Echos”
  317. Mon nom est Personne
  318. L'Homme à l'harmonica
  319. Le Bon, la Brute et Le Truand
  320. Il était une fois dans l'Ouest
  321. Le Professionnel
  322. Il était une fois l'Amérique
  323. Chase (Midnight Express)
  324. Sentinel (Tubular Bells II)
  325. Pour une poignée de dollars
  326. Pour quelques dollars de plus
  327. Cockeye’s Song
  328. Sadness
  329. Future Theme
  330. The Back-Up Procedure
  331. Synsation (Disco Sequence)
  332. The Future Mix
  333. L'Épouvant Surgit
  334. West Across the Ocean Sea (from the movie “1492”)
  335. Universe Symphony: ADBS, AGC, Anon
  336. Piano Etude no. 7 in D minor
  337. One Day I’ll Fly Away
  338. It’s Not Unusual
  339. Yoda’s Theme (The Empire Strikes Back)
  340. Golliwogg’s Cakewalk
  341. The X‐Files
  342. Aida “Marche triomphale”
  343. Falling (Twin Peaks)
  344. Rambo: First Blood, Part 2
  345. Dr. No (The James Bond Theme)
  346. Bond 77 (From: The Spy Who Loved Me)
  347. Space Regiment
  348. We Have All the Time in the World (From: On Her Majesty's Secret Service)
  349. All Time High (From: Octopussy)
  350. Here’s to You
  351. The Cosby Show Theme
  352. C'Est Pas Fini
  353. Hungarian Dance No. 5
  354. Triumphal March
  355. Marcia a La Turca
  356. March of the Toreadors
  357. William Tell "Ouverture"
  358. Gymnopedie no. 1
  359. Where My Heart Will Take Me (Bumper #1)
  360. Where My Heart Will Take Me (Bumper #2)
  361. Body-Poppin’
  362. Star Scratch
  363. Vienne, Mon Amour [Waltz]
  364. Three Quarter [Waltz]
  365. Beethoven 5th Disco [disco]
  366. Mas Que Nada [Samba]
  367. Compudance [Electric Boogie]


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