Danny Elfman Songtexte
Alice Reprise #4
Main Titles
Zsa Zsa's Delight / Elephant Ride
Sally's Song
Christmas In Whoville
Geboren am 29. Mai 1953
Le Monde de Tim Burton (Compilation)
- Edward aux mains d’argent – thème principal
- Charlie et la Chocolaterie – générique fin (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, James Fitzpatrick)
- Batman – thème principal (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, Nic Raine)
- Sweeney Todd – thème principal (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir, James Fitzpatrick)
- Ed Wood – thème principal
- Sweeney Todd – Johanna (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, James Fitzpatrick)
- Batman – Waltz to the Death
- Sweeney Todd – A Little Priest (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, James Fitzpatrick)
- Batman – Up the Cathedral
- Les Noces funèbres – thème principal (von London Music Works)
- Batman – The Joker’s Poem
- Sweeney Todd – No Place Like London (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, James Fitzpatrick)
- Batman – The Final Confrontation
- Sleepy Hollow – générique fin (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra)
- Pee‐Wee’s Big Aventure – Breakfast Machine (von London Music Works)
- Sweetey Todd – Not While I’m Around
- Beetlejuice – thème principal
- Batman Returns – générique fin (von The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus)
- Alice au Pays des Merveilles – thème d’Alice
L’Étrange Noël de Monsieur Jack (Soundtrack)
- Ouverture
- Présentation (von Henri Poirier)
- Bienvenue à Halloween
- La Complainte de Jack (von Olivier Constantin)
- Docteur Finkelstein / Dans la forêt
- Que vois-je ? (von Olivier Constantin)
- Réunion au sommet (von Olivier Constantin)
- Rencontre de Jack et Sally
- L’Obsession de Jack (von Olivier Constantin)
- Kidnapper le perce-oreille
- La fête approche
- Le Piège
- Le Boogie Blues
- La Complainte de Sally (von Nina Morato)
- La soirée de Noël se prépare
- Pauvre Jack (von Olivier Constantin)
- À l’aide
- Final
- Fin du chapitre
- Le Final (1)
- Le Final (2)
Mars Attacks! (Soundtrack)
- Introduction
- Main Titles (von Artie Kane)
- First Sighting
- The Landing
- Ungodly Experiments
- State Address
- Martian Madame
- Martian Lounge
- Return Message
- Destructo X
- Loving Heads
- Pursuit
- The War Room
- Airfield Dilemma
- New World
- Ritchie’s Speech
- End Credits
- Indian Love Call (von Slim Whitman)
- It’s Not Unusual (von Tom Jones)
Meet the Robinsons (Soundtrack)
- Another Believer (von Rufus Wainwright)
- Little Wonders (von Rob Thomas)
- The Future Has Arrived (von The All‐American Rejects)
- Where Is Your Heart At (von Jamie Cullum)
- The Motion Waltz (Emotional Commotion) (von Rufus Wainwright)
- Give Me the Simple Life (von Jamie Cullum)
- The Prologue
- To the Future
- Meeting the Robinsons
- The Science Fair
- Goob's Story
- A Family United
- Pop Quiz and the Time Machine Montage
- The Evil Plan
- Doris Has Her Day
- Setting Things Right
- There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow (von They Might Be Giants)
- Kids of the Future (von Jonas Brothers)