Dan Kehler Songtexte
Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out (Soundtrack)
- Sierra Fanfare & For Your Thighs Only
- Muscle Beach
- Stallions
- La Costa Lotta
- Larry's Room
- The Kitchen
- The Health Spa
- The Loose Tile (& Guard Shack)
- The Weight Room (Larry Be Bad)
- Aerobic's Classroom
- Make-Up Classroom
- Cell Block Love (MIDI version)
- Blues Bar - Part One
- Blues Bar - Part Two
- Blues Bar - Part Three
- The Pool (Air For Your G-String)
- Shock Your Booty
- Cavaricchi
- Spanish Nights
- Azfarazikan Sea
- Employee Canteen & Dance Hall
- Rose
- The Penthouse
- Shamara
- Big Band Larry
Mehr Songtexte

- Stallions (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Larry, Be Bad! (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Unknown (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Resort Alarm (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Hard Is Good, Right (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Spiritually Aware (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Spanish Surprise (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Switch Hitt'n Kitt'n (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Story (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Sierra Fanfare (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Larry's Room (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Credits (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Unpleasant Surprise (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Unknown 3 (IBM-PC MT-32)
- SFX - Jump
- Story (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Not Ravel's Bolero #1 (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Un Noche en Parlier (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Twist Till It Hurts (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- No Pain No Gain (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Larry's Room (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Switch Hitt'n Kitt'n (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Not Ravel's Bolero #2 (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Unused #1 (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Doggie Ride (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- 2 Rump 2 Pump (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Unknown 4 (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Stallions (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Security Guard (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Game Over, Larry (IBM-PC MT-32)
- For Your Tighs Only (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Not Ravel's Bolero #2 (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Birds (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Moonlight Romance (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- SFX - Larry's Whistle
- Peeping Tom (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Spanish Surprise (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Muskrat Lust (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Air for the G-String (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Credits (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Not Ravel's Bolero #1 (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- SFX - Sprinkler in the Backside
- Cell Block Love (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Jazzy Bar (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- SFX - Whistle
- Harry Palm Blues (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Moonlight Romance (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Hard Is Good, Right (IBM-PC MT-32)
- La Costa Lotta's Lobby (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Burgundy's Blues (IBM-PC MT-32)
- SFX - Larry's Got It
- Birds (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Spiritually Perverted (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Spiritually Aware (IBM-PC MT-32)
- La Costa Lotta's Lobby (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Jazzy Bar (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Shock Your Booty (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Cell Block Love (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Burgundy's Blues (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Sierra Fanfare (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Twist Till It Hurts (IBM-PC MT-32)
- No Pain No Gain (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Un Noche en Parlier (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Unpleasant Surprise (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- For Your Tighs Only (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Unused #2 (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Muskrat Lust (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Resort Alarm (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Sea (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Larry's Wistle (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Security Guard (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Gary's Happy Ending (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Samba de Hooters (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- 2 Rump 2 Pump (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Larry Be Bad! (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Unknown 1 (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Sea (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Shock Your Booty (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Game Over, Larry (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Doggie Ride (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Gary's Happy Ending (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Spiritually Perverted (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Samba de Hooters (IBM-PC MT-32)
- Peeping Tom (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Harry Palm Blues (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Air for the G-String (IBM-PC General MIDI)
- Unknown 2 (IBM-PC MT-32)
- The Larry Theme
- Health Spa
- Gatehouse
- Larry's Room (The Larry Theme)
- Cell Block Love (Blues Bar)
- Not Ravel's Bolero
- The Pool
- Big Band Larry (The Larry Theme)
- Aerobics Classroom
- No Pain, No Gain
- La Costa Lotta (Gammie's Theme)
- Hard Is Good, Right
- Un Noche en Parlier
- Samba de Hooters
- Shablee
- Larry Be Bad!
- The Loose Tile
- Introduction - Stallions (Limo Ride)
- Air for the G-String
- Blues Bar Theme #1
- Blues Bar Theme #2
- Blues Bar Theme #3
- The Larry Theme (For Your Thighs Only)
- Introduction - Muscle Beach
- Switch Hitt'n Kitt'n
- Azfarazikan Sea (The Beach)
- Penthouse
- Muskrat Lust
- The High Cholonic
- Shamara (Closing Theme)
- Harry Palm Blues
- Twist Till It Hurts
- Weight Room (Larry Be Bad)
- 2 Rump 2 Pump
- Employee's Canteen & Dance Hall
- Spanish Surprise
- Sierra Fanfare
- Kiss & Make Up