Dan Gibson Songtexte
Gradual and Alleluia
Dunes on the Cape
Geboren am 19. Januar 1922, Gestorben am 18. März 2006
Solitudes Sampler CD Vol. 2 (Compilation)
- In the Midst of Angels
- Mozart: Forever by the Sea
- Dance of the Hummingbird
- Lullabies & Butterflies
- Sunshowers
- Whispering Woods
- Natural Stress Relief
- Grand Canyon
- Celtic Awakening
- Thunder Spirit
- Appalachian Mountain Suite
- Angels of the Sea
- Forest Piano
- Pachelbel: Forever by the Sea
- Stream of Deams
- Island Paradise
- Beethoven: Forever by the Sea
- Spirit of Africa
- Journey With the Whales
- Rocky Mountain Suite
- Songbird at Sunrise
- Rhythms of the Sea
- Legend of the Wolf
- Pacific Suite
- The Classics
- Nature Ballet
- Favorite Selections
- Raindance
- Algonquin Suite
- Australian Odyssey
- Ocean Surf
- Thunderstorm
Solitudes, Nature Sound Collection: Songbirds by the Stream
- Wood Thrush
- Canada Warbler
- Red-Eyed Vireo
- Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
- Cardinal: Two Different Songs
- American Goldfinch
- Yellow Warbler
- Song Sparrow, Red-Eyed Vireo & Baltimore Oriole
- Winter Wren
- Myrtle Warbler
- Black-Capped Chickadee and Yellowthroat
- White-Throated Sparrow
- Swamp Sparrow & Red-Winged Blackbird
- Ruby-Crowned Kinglet
- Scarlet Tanager & Swainson's Thrush
- Ovenbird
- Northern Waterthrush
- American Robin
- Gray Catbird
- Indigo Bunting
- Veery
- Purple Finch
- Hermit Thrush