
- Chrono Trigger 'Magus (Temporal Rehab)' OC ReMix
- Chrono Trigger 'Ocean Palace (Wave Breaker)' OC ReMix
- Final Fantasy 7 'Cid Solace Simplicity' OC ReMix
- Barbie Supermodel 'PlasticGoddess' OC ReMix
- Bubble Bobble 'NotaTrueEnding (Asphyxiation)' OC ReMix
- Bubble Bobble 'ThisIsNotATrueEnding' OC ReMix
- Castlevania 'VampireKiller Deadcorpse' OC ReMix
- Chrono Trigger 'Magus (Decay of Hope)' OC ReMix
- Chrono Trigger 'Ruined World (Eternal Derelict)' OC ReMix
- Final Fantasy '(Something Final)' OC ReMix
- Radical Dreamers 'IndustrialPromise' OC ReMix
- Secret of Mana 'Pure Lands (Total Darkness)' OC ReMix
- Silent Hill 'act3 SearchforCheryl' OC ReMix
- Super Metroid 'Brinstar (DreamsInRed)' OC ReMix
- Super Metroid 'Maridia (DrownedInExile)' OC ReMix
- Super Metroid 'Norfair (FrailtyAwaiting)' OC ReMix
- Triaminotrinitrobenzene (Bomb Ring)
- Fallen Ascent (Tower of Zot)
- Spiraling Decay (The Final Battle)
- Metal Fatigue (Wrecked Ship)
- Pyroclastica (Norfair - Scorching Lava Area)
- Static Aversion (Welcome to Silent Hill)
- static a(version 0.5)
- static aversion
- static aversion (decay and filth)