Wee Blue Man
- Nothin On My Mind
- Old Hag, You've Killed Me/Scatter The Mud/Humours Of Tulla
- Rocks Of Bawn
- Think of Me
- Katie Love
- The Mills Are Grinding/Jenny's Chicken
- Saints Of Belfast
- Molly Brannigan
- She Moves Thru The Fair
- Fine Time For A Pint
- Half Moon Bay/The Rakes Of Clonmel/Cup Of Tea
- Bridget O'Malley/Cliffs Of Moher
takin' down the half-door
- On We Go
- Eavesdropper/Father O'Flynn/Kesh Jig
- As I Roved Out
- Spancil Hill/Tam Lin
- Morrison's Jig/Battering Ram
- Ride on/Kevin's Jig
- I Will Go
- Kilfenora Lass/My Darling Asleep/Connachtman's Rambles
- Black Is the Color
- Out on the Ocean/Igonish Jig/King of the Fairies/Sleepless Nights
- Star of the County Down/Charlie O'Neill's
- Lock Lomond
- Rights of Man
Mehr Songtexte

- Shool Aroon
- Nothing On My Mind
- Mills Are Grinding/Jenny's Chickens
- Righst of Man
- Kilfenora Lass/My Darling Asleep
- Cold Rain & Snow/Star of Munster
- Tempest in a Teacup
- She Moves Thru The Far
- Spare Them
- Shady Grove
- Lonesome Boatman Set
- Star of the County Down
- Hard to Be Happy
- Time That Was/The Clare Jig
- Pretty Too
- The Irmo Trip
- Shule Aroon/King For A Day/Strayaway Child
- King for a Day
- Maggie/Kit O'Connor
- Out on the Ocean/Igonish
- Bang Your Frog On The Sofa/Otter's Holt/Port An Deorai Man Of The House
- Bonny Mae
- Maggie
- The Mills Are Grindung/Jenny's Chicken
- Shady Grove/Toss The Feathers
- Shadow of Love
- The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O/Rolling In The Ryegrass
- Eavesdropper/Father O'Flynn
- Loch Lomond/Rakes Of Clonmel/Sweet Cup Of Tea
- Shule Aroon
- The Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O / Rolling in the Ryegrass
- Cold Rain & Snow / Star of Munster
- Bang Your Frog on the Sofa / Otter's Holt / Port an Deorai Man of the House
- Kilfenora Lass / My Darling Asleep / Connachtman's Rambles
- Time That Was / The Clare Jig
- Mills Are Grinding / Jenny's Chickens
- Shule Aroon / King for a Day / Strayaway Child
- Shady Grove / Toss the Feathers
- Maggie / Kit O'Connor
- Loch Lomond / Rakes of Clonmel / Sweet Cup of Tea