His Love is Holding You
- All Creation Sings His Praise (von Dick & Melodie Tunney)
- How Great is Your Goodness (von Ed Kerr)
- The Solid Rock / In Christ Alone (von William Bradbury)
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus (von J.M. Scriven and C.C. Converse)
- His Grace Is Greater (von Lari Goss, Phill McHugh, Greg Nelson & Steve Green)
Here I Am, Lord
(von Dan Schutte)
- His Love is Holding You (von Jon Stemkoski)
- No Weapon Formed Against You (von Jon Stemkoski)
- I Give You Pease (von Dawn Thomas & Thomas Yarbrough)
- Here's One (von Jon Stemkoski)
- Be Strong and Take Courage (von Basil Chiasson)
- Constant Refuge (von Melodie Tonney)
Mehr Songtexte

- No Weapon Formed Against You
Here I Am, Lord
- All Creation Sings His Praise
- Constant Refuge
- His Grace Is Greater
- His Love Is Holding You
- Be Strong and Take Courage
- Here's One
- I'll Give You Peace
- The Solid Rock/in Christ Alone
- How Great Is Your Goodness
- What a Friend We Have in Jesus
- He Who Began a Good Work
- Savior Medley
- A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- I Surrender All
- How Great His Heart Must Be
- Now Unto Him
- He's Been Faithful
- Gratefully Yours
- Day by Day
- To God Be All Glory
- Sing the Glory
- I Will Rejoice in the Lord!