Lun Yurn
- Moon Si Ng Fu Jurn
- Diu Nei Si Fud, Diu Nei Gore Jui
- Lok Ga Goul Diu Dole Ngo Gou Hu Lum Tao
- Ong Goul Goul
- Hai Sui Butt Lau Bit Yen Tin
- Tsit Tset Bo Tong Pai Gaai Fong
- Tim Jurg Gou Si Da Fei Gay
- Hum Lun Ho Nan Young
- Bei Gore Oi Zi Polk Gaai Bao Pei Yim Koi
- Lin Ling Sai Siu Dall Mor Dai Mean Zik Dig Yum Bo
- Gum Ziu Gut Lei Lok Yao
- Lun Diu Goul Hai Tset
- Untitled
Monkeys Tear Man to Shreds, Man Never Forgives Ape, Man Destroys Environment
- Monkeys Tear Man to Shreds
- All Out Pain Lust and War
- Bodies
- Roots and Rights
- Railway of Death
- Blood for Clothes
- Leverage
- Dragged Through the Streets
- 20 Missiles Later
- Bred and Fed
- Corpses Sealed in Concrete Floors
- Bikini Atoll
- Nitestick
- Fuel Air Bomb
- Himalayan Cross Volley
- Proof in Prison
- Food for Oil
- Kosovolvo
- Crushed to a Crisp
- Man Never Forgives Ape, Man Destroys Environment