Bobby Horton Songtexte
Oh, I'm a Good Old Rebel
Battle Cry of Freedom
Gay and Happy
Old Abner's Shoes
Vicksburg Is Taken
Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 3
- Old Abner’s Shoes
- Cheer Boys Cheer
- God Save the South
- Root Hog or Die
- Somebody's Darling
- The Reluctant Conscript
- The Southern Soldier Boy
- Goober Peas
- Just Before the Battle Mother (Parody)
- The Captain and His Whiskers
- Boys, Keep Your Powder Dry
- Mister Here’s Your Mule
- The Drummer Boy of Shiloh
- Gay and Happy
- Kathy Wells
- A Life on a Vicksburg Bluff
- The Soldier’s Grave
- Wearing of the Gray
- Dixie
Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 4
- Dixie, The Land of King Cotton
- The March of the Southern Men
- We Conquer or Die
- The Soldier With a Wooden Leg
- The Battle of Shiloh Hill
- The Southern Soldier
- Think of Your Head in the Morning
- Johnny Is Gone for a Soldier
- Soldier's Joy
- Strike for the South
- Melt the Bells
- Richmond is a Hard Road to Travel
- Pray, Maiden, Pray
- The Brass Mounted Army
- When Upon the Field of Glory
- Short Rations (to the Corn-Fed Army of Tennessee)
- Roll Alabama Roll
- The Bonnie Blue Flag
Homespun Songs of the C.S.A., Volume 5
- Ye Cavaliers of Dixie
- The Soldier's Farewell
- The Cross of the South
- Old Abe's Lament
- The North Carolina War Song
- The Cavalier's Glee
- The Bowld Sojer Boy
- Do They Miss Me at Home?
- The Kentucky Battle Song
- The Infantry
- John Harrolson
- The Soldiers' Suit of Gray
- The South Shall Rise Up Free
- General Butler
- The Mother of the Soldier Boy
- General Forrest, a Confederate
- Hood's Old Brigade
- The Conquered Banner
Homespun Songs of the Patriots in the American Revolution
- In Good Old Colony Times
- To the Ladies
- The Liberty Song
- The Destruction of the Tea
- The Banks of the Dee
- Robin Adair
- Yankee Doodle (The Yankee's Return From Camp)
- The Irishman's Epistle
- Sir Peter Parker
- Formal Dance Set: Congress Minuet / Constancy
- The Battle of Trenton
- Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier
- The Riflemen of Bennington
- Lovely Nancy
- Katy Cruel
- The Fate of John Burgoyne
- Chester
- Marion's Men
- The Surrender of Cornwallis
- Medley: Flannagan's Favorite / The World Turned Upside Down