Blake Allen Songtexte
Geboren am 21. Juli 1988
the shards of an honor code junkie (Soundtrack)
- the introduction
- the overture
- the testimony
- the contract
- "Be Honest"
- the dream
- "Live a Chaste and Virtuous Life"
- the soma
- the advantage
- the angel
- the questioning
- "Participate Regularly in Church Services"
- the prayer
- "Respect Others and Use Clean Language"
- the letter
- "Observe the Dress and Grooming Standards"
- the armoire
- the drawer
- "Abstain from Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, and Substance Abuse"
- the sessions
- the escape
- "Obey the Law and All Campus Policies"
- the calling
- the wasteland
- the change
- the invitation
- the drawer (reprise)
- "Encourage Others in Their Commitment to Comply with The Honor Code"
- the aftermath
- the enlightenment