Bernhard Gander Songtexte
Geboren am 29. November 1969
Monsters and Angels
Mehr Songtexte
- Lovely Monster (for orchestra)
- Wegda! (for ensemble and soprano)
- Schoene Worte (for piano. violin, viola and violoncello)
- Horribile Dictu (for voice, strings and trombones)
- Dirty Angel (for accordion, fluegelhorn and orchestra)
- Kuhl (for string quartet dedicatet to the Arditti Quartet)
- O (2005) - For Quintet
- Fluc ‘n‘ Flex - For Accordion (2007)
- Peter Parker - For Piano (2004)
- Fête.Gare - For Ensemble (2002)
- Bunny Games - For Ensemble (2006)