Ben Houge Songtexte
Geboren 1974
Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura Original Computer Game Soundtrack
Mehr Songtexte

- Radcliffe's Commission
- Kerghan's Castle
- Remembering Daventry
- The Shrine of Lord Azriel
- Lord Azriel's Puzzle
- The Unicorn's Lament
- The Castle of Daventry
- Metal
- The Swamp Witch
- Mask of Eternity Finale
- Theme of the Swamp (the Mushrooms)
- King Mudge of the Swamp (The Snail)
- The Battle
- The Lava Pits
- The Gnome Sage
- The Whisperers
- The Inner Sanctum
- Sylph RM
- Fight
- The Hillmen's Keep
- The Theme of the Temple 1
- The Theme of the Temple 2
- The Theme of the Temple 3
- The Scales of Justice
- Battling the Tower Skeleton
- The Dimension of Death Theme
- The Armorer & The Healer
- The Wizard's Theme
- Weird
- The Final Battle
- The Church Forsaken
- The Prophet
- The Ramp
- The Bridge of Life
- Curse on Daventry (The Forest)
- Guts
- The Hall
- Shaman of the Barren's Theme
- Bones
- Swamp Wisps
- The Frozen Reaches
- Song of the Sylph
- The Ancient One
- The Ferryman
- Death
- The Chamber of Light