Angelo Francesco Lavagnino Songtexte
Calabrisella mia (Folk Song)
Geboren am 22. Februar 1909, Gestorben am 21. August 1987
Maciste contro il vampiro (Soundtrack)
- Main Title - Maciste Rescues the Young Boy Ciro
- Maciste and Ciro on the Beach
- The Mother Dies - Maciste Swears Revenge
- The Pirate Ship - Kidnapped Women - Blood for the Vampire - Guja Gets Saved From Death
- Streets of Salmanak
- Palace Dance
- Secret Passage
- Astra Spies on the Sultan and Summons Kobrak
- Nocturnal Mysteries - Magda and the Vampire
- In the Tavern
- Astra Kills the Black Pirate - Kurtik Solaces Ciro
- Guja and Astra
- Maciste's Escape From the Dungeon
- Maciste and Guja in the Desert - Sandstorm
- In the Cave
- Maciste and Astra
- On the Way to Kobrak's Mountain - Kobrak Appears
- Maciste Gets Captured by Kobrak
- The Boy Dies
- Maciste's Desperation - The Transformation
- Obrak's New Identity - Astra Gets Killed - Kobrak Vs. Maciste
- Kobrak's End - Guja Is Brought Back to Life - Finale
- Main Theme (alternate)
- Sandstorm (alternate)
Madame sans gêne (Soundtrack)
- Main Title
- The Royal Swiss Guard / Catherine Asks Napoleon for Help
- Catherine and Francois (Love Scene at Night)
- Francois' Departure
- Napoleon's Troops in Italy
- Catherine and the ‘Girls‘
- Catherine Meets Francois Again / Captured by the Austrian Army
- Dance in the French Camp
- The Gunpowder / The Explosion
- Napoleon's Troops Attack
- The Rise of Napoleon
- Napoleon and Fouché
- Catherine Learns Courtly Manners
- Catherine and Francois Enter the Court
- Catherine and the Noblewomen
- The Emperor / Catherine and Francois
- Scandal at the Court
- The Parade
- Francois' Disappointment
- Waiting for Napoleon
- Catherine Goes to Napoleon
- Finale / End Cast
- Harpsichord Lessons
- Trumpet Calls (Storming of the Tuileries)
- Finale / End Cast (Film version)
Odissea nuda (Soundtrack)
- Odissea nuda (Arrivo a bora bora)
- Odissea nuda (Tristezza nel cuore)
- Odissea nuda (Isole di sogno)
- Odissea nuda (Arrivo a papete)
- Odissea nuda (In navigazione)
- Odissea nuda (Rock)
- Odissea nuda (L'americana)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 1)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 2)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 3)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 4)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 5)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 6)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 7)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 8)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 9)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 10)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 11)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 12)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 13)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 14)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 15)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 16)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 17)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 18)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 19)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 20)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 21)
- Odissea nuda (Seq. 22 - finale)