Silver (Compilation)
- Sound the Alarm (2011 remix)
- Something Real (2011 remix)
- Imprisoned
- Terrified
- Grateful (2011 remix)
- Still Black (2011 remix)
- Stop Me
- Butcher's Block
- Paint a Picture (2011 remix)
- I Love the World (2011 remix)
- Release (2011 remix)
- Explained Away (2011 remix)
- Fighting Evil
- Brotherhood? (2011 remix)
- This Killer in My House
Mehr Songtexte
- N.I.B.
- "The Munsters" Theme
- Imprisoned: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- R.O.T.: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- Pendulum: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- Injustice: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- R.O.T.: 1987
- Frigid Bitch: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- Frigid Bitch: 1986 Original 2-Song (demo)
- Injustice: 1987
- Disembowled / Annihilation Complete: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- Fighting Evil: 1987
- Fighting Evil: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- Imprisoned: 1986
- Apocalypse: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- Powerhouse: 1988
- Pedulum: 1986 Original 2-Song (demo)
- Vulture's Prey: 1987 Annihilation Complete (demo)
- Disemboweled / Annihilation Complete
- Desperate Hours
- Sleep
- Apocalypse (1984 demo)
- Someday
- Vulture's Prey
- N.I.B.**
- "Munsters" Theme**
- "Munsters" Theme
- Brotherhood (demo)
- Paint a Picture (demo)
- Apocalypse (demo)
- Far Too Long (demo)
- Pendulum (demo)
- Sound the Alarm (demo)
- Quick to Doubt (demo)
- Wrong (demo)
- Tools of Separation (demo)
- Forsaken (demo)
- (Grey Is) Still Black (demo)
- Vulture's Prey (demo)
- Frigid Bitch (demo)